Archives: Services

Ordinary Moments of Joy

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “Ordinary Moments of Joy” With Caitlin Regan as Worship Associate Sydney Crisp, Accompanist and Special Music David Dean, Soloist Brené Brown writes: “Joy is not a constant. It comes to us in moments—often ordinary moments. I believe a joyful life is made up of joyful moments gracefully strung together … Continue reading Ordinary Moments of Joy

The Holiness of Waiting

  The Worship Team presents “The Holiness of Waiting”  With Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Guest Musician Dr. John Daugherty, Vocalist (Baritone) “Serene, I fold my hands and wait, Nor care for wind, or tide, nor sea; I rave no more ‘gainst time or fate, For lo! My own shall come to me.” —John Burroughs  November 28th is the first … Continue reading The Holiness of Waiting

ReVisioning Thanksgiving

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “ReVisioning Thanksgiving” With Donna Zimmerman as Worship Associate Many of us learned a story about the first Thanksgiving that is a myth riddled with historical inaccuracies. This service will explore the healing power of letting go of an old story and telling a true one. Special Music by Job … Continue reading ReVisioning Thanksgiving

Remnants of War

Jennifer Bacmeister presents “Remnants of War” With Elizabeth DeCoux as Worship Leader Jennifer examines our culture surrounding combat and the glorification of the warrior class, including subtle rituals and traditions most people are not even aware of. As UUs, how do we strive for peace in an environment that sanctifies certain kinds of violence, while remaining in … Continue reading Remnants of War

What Was, What Is, What If

Rev. Carmen Emerson BBUUC’s Affiliated Community Minister Presents “What Was, What Is, What If” With David Dean as Worship Leader In connection to November’s Soul Matters theme of “History,” our Affiliated Community Minister, Rev. Carmen Emerson, offers a worship service reflecting on the learnings and yearnings of past, present, and future. About our speaker: Rev. … Continue reading What Was, What Is, What If

A Liminal Time

BBUUC Family Worship Service “A Liminal Time” Exploring the light and the dark through story. Led by Chris Jarman, DRE  and Erin Rogers, Worship Leader Join LRE in an exploration of darkness and light through storytelling. As our days get shorter and our nights longer, our seventh principle asks us to know our place in … Continue reading A Liminal Time

Parable of the Spoons

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “Parable of the Spoons”  With Caitlin Regan as Worship Associate The Parable of the Spoons is a story that shows the difference between heaven and hell by showing people eating with long spoons. In hell, people can’t feed themselves with the long spoons and starve. In heaven, people feed … Continue reading Parable of the Spoons

Baby, We Need a Barn-Raising

Rev. Erin Walter presents “Baby, We Need a Barn-Raising” With Jennifer Bacmeister as Worship Leader Pandemic isolation has had a deep impact on mental health and community dynamics. How can we show up with authenticity — virtually and in person — as we continue to exercise caution due to COVID-19. Rev. Erin Walter will reflect on … Continue reading Baby, We Need a Barn-Raising