No Prior Experience Required

Jennifer Bacmeister presents
“No Prior Experience Required”
Donna Zimmerman, Worship Leader
Sydney Crisp, Accompanist
Special Music by Jarrett Carter, Guitar

Science tells us all things are logical. There are reasons for things to be the way they are, even if we are unable to discern them in the present moment. Our sense of wonder tells us we don’t have to know the “why” to appreciate life. As we strive for justice, compassion, and spiritual growth, can we use both the knowing and the not knowing to guide us? How do we balance knowledge and wonder as we continue our search for truth and meaning?

About Our Speaker:

Jennifer Bacmeister has been a member of BBUUC since 2001. She has served many roles over the years, including Worship Committee Chair, Building Task Force, Religious Education teacher, and Board Vice President. Jennifer is an accomplished Toastmaster, one of those rare birds that actually enjoy public speaking! After years of being a Worship Leader, she added writing sermons to her skill set. She has spoken at UU churches in Huntsville, Alabama, and right down the road in Palatka, as well as to our own congregation. When not crafting services as a worship leader, or writing sermons, Jennifer enjoys tending her backyard chickens, spoiling her grandchildren, and sewing (not always in that order!). 

About our Guest Musician:

Jarrett Carter is a professional musician, composer, and teacher based in Jacksonville. He began playing guitar when he was ten years old and soon began to study classical guitar with Don Casper at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts. He then went on to study jazz guitar with Bobby Ferrazza at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music where he earned his bachelor’s degree in jazz performance. He currently plays with a plethora of musicians covering genres ranging from jazz and classical to pop, rock, and country, primarily in Jacksonville and greater northeast Florida.