Archives: Services

You Ain’t Up There

Rev. Dr. Fred Howard “You Ain’t Up There” Worship Leader: Caitlin Regan Accompanist: Dr. Gary Smart Guest Musician: Jarrett Carter, classical guitar We’re all familiar with the metaphor of life as a journey. The metaphor works for many reasons. Like a journey life has a beginning and an end, in between we visit several places, … Continue reading You Ain’t Up There

Seeing Animals

Elizabeth DeCoux “Seeing Animals” Worship Leader: Jennifer Stokes Accompanist: Dr. Gary Smart Guest Musician: Jakob Vanlandingham, Saxophone Animals are the only beings capable of suffering whom U.S. law classifies as property. With few limitations, people may do whatever they want with their property. So, until the law changes, the fate of animals depends on each … Continue reading Seeing Animals

Listening to the Ancestors

Rev. Elizabeth Teal “Listening to the Ancestors” Worship Leader: Meghan Kaminski Accompanist: Eileen Morrison What does it mean to honor those who went before? What does it mean to listen to lessons of fear and fearlessness without shame or pride? What does it mean to know your ancestors?   This service will celebrate Samhain, a … Continue reading Listening to the Ancestors

Called to Care

BBUUC Pastoral Care Team and Worship present “Called to Care”   Worship Leaders: Alyssa Halliday and Rev. Pat Ray Accompanist: Dr. Gary Smart Caring for one another is a core spiritual practice for Unitarian Universalists. Pastoral care is the term we use for the ways we offer support and compassion to each other in community. … Continue reading Called to Care

Keeping Bananas Handy!

Rev. Diane Davis “Keeping Bananas Handy!” Worship Leader: Lee Plumb Accompanist: Dr. Gary Smart Guest Musician: Goliath Flores Discovering how to not let “monkey mind” take over your peace of mind. About our Speaker: Rev. Diane R. Davis has been a medium, intuitive counselor and teacher for over four decades.  Her workshops and readings are … Continue reading Keeping Bananas Handy!

The Arts of Conversation

September 22 Bethany Crawley “The Arts of Conversation” Worship Leader: Linda Mowers Accompanist: Gary Smart Special Music by Kurtis Henderson, French Horn, accompanied by Dr. Gary Smart It’s easy (mostly) to talk with the folks with whom we agree. It’s a challenge to talk with those with whom we disagree. In times of distress, our … Continue reading The Arts of Conversation

Unitarian Universalism: A Faith of Uncertainty and Certitude

September 15 Phillip Baber “Unitarian Universalism: A Faith of Uncertainty and Certitude” Worship Leader: Caitlin Regan Accompanist: Gary Smart Special Music by Phillip Baber While Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion that is open to all manner of belief concerning the nature of the divine and ultimate meaning, there are, nevertheless, certain moral truths that … Continue reading Unitarian Universalism: A Faith of Uncertainty and Certitude

BBUUC Family Ingathering and Water Sharing Service

September 8 BBUUC Family Ingathering and Water Sharing Service Presented by Worship and Lifespan Religious Education Accompanist: Gary Smart We have a tradition each year at BBUUC to hold an Ingathering and Water Sharing ceremony after Labor Day. It’s a celebration of our whole community coming back together after summer. We hope you will plan … Continue reading BBUUC Family Ingathering and Water Sharing Service