Archives: Services

Fountain of Sorrow

Dr. Mark Yount “Fountain of Sorrow” About the sermon: My life doesn’t seem to follow Buddhism’s first noble truth, that life is suffering. Yet even amidst my more abundant joys, even when I’m not suffering, there’s a sorrow that springs up in my life “like a fountain from a pool.” Does that spring from my … Continue reading Fountain of Sorrow

BBUUC’s Annual Easter Sunday Family Worship Service and Flower Communion

  (Easter Egg Hunt and Covered Dish Dinner to follow the service) Our Family Easter celebration will include the traditional Flower Communion. Please bring a flower stem for yourself and each family member. It can be a favorite flower from your yard, your garden, or any other source. This tradition is unique to Unitarian Universalism and … Continue reading BBUUC’s Annual Easter Sunday Family Worship Service and Flower Communion

“The Value in ‘Different’: a Jungian Approach to Personality”

Bruce McCormick “The Value in ‘Different’: a Jungian Approach to Personality” About the sermon: Carl Jung, a friend, and colleague of Sigmund Freud identified a way to explain “normal behavior” for people, identifying four major archetypes. Jung didn’t make up these archetypes—there were more than 75 years of research to prove these behaviors were universal, … Continue reading “The Value in ‘Different’: a Jungian Approach to Personality”

It’s Not a Card, it’s a Whole Deck; How Racism Harms Us All

Marta Pearson  “It’s Not a Card, it’s a Whole Deck;  How Racism Harms Us All”  Worship Leader: Jim Wood  Accompanist: Dr. Gary Smart  Guest Musician: Dr. James Hall About the sermon: I cringe when I hear people say, with disdain in the voices, “Why are they playing the race card again?” I want to help … Continue reading It’s Not a Card, it’s a Whole Deck; How Racism Harms Us All

In Celebration of Ostara, the Vernal Equinox

Jax Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) presents a deeply moving Pagan-themed Sunday Service In Celebration of Ostara, the Vernal Equinox Worship Leader: Meghan Kaminski Accompanist: Gary Smart   We will join together in community and worship to sing, meditate, and rejoice in the coming of the growing light. This worship service will include various … Continue reading In Celebration of Ostara, the Vernal Equinox

We are a people who choose.

Karen Christiansen “We are a people who choose.”  Worship Leader: Carole Hawkins Accompanist: Eileen Morrison Special Music: Job Meiller About Our Service: We’re not a “chosen people” nor are we “people whose choices are made for us by theological authorities.” Where do we stand on choosing justice? We invite the Spirit of Life to come … Continue reading We are a people who choose.

War of the Worldviews: The Next Generation

Dr. Mark Yount “War of the Worldviews: The Next Generation” Worship Leader: Caitlin Regan Accompanist: Marilyn Smart About Our Service: The next generation was buckling under insistent anxiety. Their physical world might survive a few more generations, but their cultural world was being torn asunder by the boomer wars. Old growth values, now uprooted, no longer sheltered either … Continue reading War of the Worldviews: The Next Generation

Doorway to Radical Welcome

Mandy Goheen Director of Prison Ministry for the Church of the Larger Fellowship “Doorway to Radical Welcome” Worship Leader: Kris Kines Accompanist: Gary Smart Guest Musician: Linda Minke, Cello About Our Service: What does it mean to be a welcoming congregation in 2019? What tools do we need to get folx to keep coming back? … Continue reading Doorway to Radical Welcome

The Child is Father of the Man

Michael Bernos “The Child is Father of the Man” Worship Leader: Jay Gardner Accompanist: Marilyn Smart About our Service: A musical reflection on overcoming fears and becoming a father. About our Speaker: Mike Bernos has recently retired from a career in corporate communications and public relations. In addition to being a well-known musician in our congregation, … Continue reading The Child is Father of the Man