Archives: Services

There Is a Way

Anand Vadehra presents “There Is a Way” Alyssa Halliday, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Jolie Nguyen (Piano), Guest Musician Through the exploration of three simple, related principles, we will establish the foundation for understanding the Ultimate Truth (of life, of who we really are) and how that understanding offers each of us a way to have a generally safe, … Continue reading There Is a Way

Ways and Means: Faith-based Justice Work

BBUUC’s Annual ICARE Sunday Rev. Bill Hoff presents “Ways and Means: Faith-based Justice Work” Claudia Marshall, Worship leader Molly Brady and Carole Hawkins, BBUUC ICARE Ministry Co-Chairs Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Swing and a Miss, Guest Musicians About Our Guest Speaker: Rev. Bill Hoff, retired Riverside Presbyterian Church pastor, has been an ICARE clergy member … Continue reading Ways and Means: Faith-based Justice Work

Sacred Vulnerability

REMINDER: DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS AT 2:00 AS WE “SPRING FORWARD.” PLEASE ADJUST YOUR TIME ACCORDINGLY SO YOU DON’T MISS SERVICE! David Dean presents “Sacred Vulnerability” A sermon by UU Minister Rev. Chris Jimmerson Linda Mowers, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Cameron Norman (Soprano), Guest Musician We live in a culture that often encourages … Continue reading Sacred Vulnerability

Wanting, Getting and Giving

Kris Kines presents “Wanting, Getting and Giving” A sermon by UU Minister Rev. Bonnie Dlott Donna Zimmerman and Elizabeth DeCoux, Worship Leaders Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Lynn Wadley, Special Music Whether we like it or not, most of us struggle with consumerism. In fact, the greatest impediment to giving generously may well be our fear … Continue reading Wanting, Getting and Giving

Tough Love Saves Us All

Rev. Gretchen Haley Senior Minister of Foothills Unitarian Church, Ft. Collins, CO presents a virtual sermon for BBUUC: “Tough Love Saves Us All” Beth Curtis, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Mike Ludwick, Guest Musician Unlike partial communities that seek to put limits around love or duty, the Beloved Community is that community that keeps … Continue reading Tough Love Saves Us All

Even If

Patric Young presents “Even If” Caitlin Regan, Worship leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompaniment and Special Music Representing our Christian source and following our February theme of “The Path of Love” (e.g., love of God), our guest speaker, Patric Young, will share his personal story, centering on his personal faith. Patric says about his sermon, Even … Continue reading Even If

Building the Foundation of Love

Dr. Mark Yount presents “Building the Foundation of Love” Elizabeth DeCoux, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist First Coast Flute Choir, Guest Musicians The “Values and Covenant” statement of the article 2 revision to be moved at General Assembly begins, “Love is the enduring force that holds us together.” The proposal redrafts our familiar seven … Continue reading Building the Foundation of Love

Go to Bed Angry

Rev. Emilie Boggis Co-Minister of the Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Summit (NJ) presents a virtual sermon for BBUUC: “Go to Bed Angry” Kris Kines, Worship Leader Sydney Crisp, Accompanist Special Music by Caitlin Regan (Voice)   Yet, if we are to love the hell out of this world, as our Universalist theology calls us … Continue reading Go to Bed Angry

A Chorus of 4000: When Us and Them is We

Rev. Carmen Emerson presents “A Chorus of 4000: When Us and Them is We” Claudia Marshall, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Timothy Edwards, Guest Musician (Violin) A reflection on why we gather and what it means to gather with thousands of UUs at our Association’s annual General Assembly.  Rev. Carmen Emerson is the Affiliated Community … Continue reading A Chorus of 4000: When Us and Them is We

Follow Your Bliss

David Dean presents “Follow Your Bliss” A sermon by UU Minister Rev. Sarah York Jennifer Bacmeister, Worship leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Mike Bernos, Special Music In following with our Soul Matters Theme of “Finding Our Center,” David will deliver a sermon written by UU Minister Rev. Sarah York centered on anthropologist Joseph Campbell’s well … Continue reading Follow Your Bliss