On Wealth

David Dean presents

A sermon written by by
Rev. emilie boggis
Minister, Beacon UU Congregation in Summit, NJ

“On Wealth”
Claudia Marshall, Worship leader
Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist
Lynn Wadley (Folk Instruments), Special Music

Henry David Thoreau once said, “Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” Emilie Boggis asks us to reflect on how our relationship with money affects our ability to experience the gifts of life.

About our Speaker

David Dean, BBUUC member and an integral part of our Worship Team, is an Emmy-nominated editor who works as Senior Editor/Post-Producer for the PBS series “Samantha Brown’s Places to Love.” David is also a presenter, writer, and storyteller, who volunteers his time as the editor of our worship videos and contributes his other talents in the worship arts to our ministry.

About the Sermon Author

emilie boggis is a member of the Lead Ministry Team at Beacon UU Congregation in Summit, NJ. She is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister and began her role with the congregation in September 2005 as Assistant Minister. She currently leads pastoral care, stewardship, communications, and facilities. She graduated from Meadville Lombard Theological School (a UU seminary in Chicago) in June 2005. She previously worked as an Americorps*VISTA volunteer at Habitat for Humanity.


Special Music by BBUUC Member Lynn Wadley

Long-time BBUUC member Lynn Wadley loves to sing, play unusual folk instruments, and occasionally compose acoustic music. She takes special pleasure in scheduling the variety of guest and member musicians we enjoy as part of our Sunday services.