Category: Bulletin

Feb 16: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….   Feb 16: David Campbell will present “How Do We Know?” David will explore different ways of learning and knowing in the domains of science and religion. He will examine how both science and religion ask and answer questions, the types of questions they ask and how they arrive at conclusions. … Continue reading Feb 16: This Week at BBUUC

Feb 9: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….   Feb 9: Rev. Jack Ford will present “The Communion of Life: Climate Change & the Unitarian Universalist Response” 2006 Statement of Conscience UUA: We are part of this world and its destiny is our own. Life on this planet will be gravely affected unless we embrace new practices, ethics, and … Continue reading Feb 9: This Week at BBUUC

Feb 2: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….   Feb. 2: Rev. Harry Parrott presents “America’s Religious Experiment” America’s greatest gift to the world was the audacious decision to break the centuries-old tradition of territorial religion.  How did this bold decision come about?  Can this experiment endure in face of continual opposition?  Presented by: Rev. Harry Parrott ● Led … Continue reading Feb 2: This Week at BBUUC

Jan 26: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….   Jan. 26: Dr. Mark Yount presents “How to change the World- Or Even your Life” Entrepreneurs can be moved by passions other than money, hence the trend recognizing social entrepreneurs: those who aim to change the world for the greater good through innovative ventures. That inspires another possibility: what would … Continue reading Jan 26: This Week at BBUUC

Jan 19: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….   Jan. 19: “A Vision of Beloved Community” Discover and celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.’s beloved community – a vision for the world shared by our Unitarian Universalist faith.  Led by: Sarah Ritzmann ● Accompanied by: Gary Smart    What’s happening at Church this week?   ATTENTION:  The Welcome the New … Continue reading Jan 19: This Week at BBUUC

Jan 12: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….   Jan. 12: Rev. Jack Ford presents “I Know You Are But What Am I?  Part 3: “Wisdom From the World’s Religions” The writer of the Tao te Ching says: “my words are easy to understand and perform, yet no one knows them or practices them.”  Religions have a lot to … Continue reading Jan 12: This Week at BBUUC

Jan 5: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….   Jan. 5: Rev. Elizabeth Teal presents “Word!” A look at the universal teachings of being impeccable with our words, and how that sits with the idea of bearing false witness.  A look at where Buddhism and the Ten Commandments meet.  What is it we are really saying to each other, … Continue reading Jan 5: This Week at BBUUC

Dec 29: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC…. Dec 29: The Worship Committee will present “Potlatch” Potlatch has been a long standing Native American tradition. It is a ritual about letting go of something and getting something new in return. Before making a New Year’s resolution, come to this service! Bring an item you are ready to let go … Continue reading Dec 29: This Week at BBUUC

Dec 1: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….   Dec. 1: Prof. Julie Ingersoll will present “Southern Civil Religion and the Rise of Neo-confederacy.”  She will trace how we got the “bible belt,” describe the contours of Southern Christian culture and then connect that up with the contemporary manifestations of a “Neo-confederacy.” About our speaker: Prof. Ingersoll teaches religious … Continue reading Dec 1: This Week at BBUUC