This week at BBUUC….
Dec. 1: Prof. Julie Ingersoll will present “Southern Civil Religion and the Rise of Neo-confederacy.”
She will trace how we got the “bible belt,” describe the contours of Southern Christian culture and then connect that up with the contemporary manifestations of a “Neo-confederacy.”
About our speaker: Prof. Ingersoll teaches religious studies in the philosophy department at the University of North Florida. She has a particular interest in fundamentalist Christianity, and has written numerous articles on the subject. She has also published two books, Evangelical Christian women: War Stories in the Gender Battles; and Baptist and Methodist Faiths in America. She is now working on a third book, “Building the Kingdom of God: Christian Reconstruction and the Religious Right in America” which will be published by the Oxford University press. Julie has spoken to us twice before.
Lay Leader: Ron Rothberg Accompanist: Gary Smart
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What’s happening at Church this week?
Sunday, December 1st
· 9am Unplug the Christmas Machine – High School Room, Coffee and Childcare will be provided!
· 12pm Facilities Committee – High School Room
· 12pm Welcome Ambassador Training – Middle School Room
Tuesday, December 3rd
- 7pm Public Relations Committee – Elementary Room
Wednesday, December 4th
· 7pm BEACON –High School Room
Saturday, December 7
- 10am Facilitator Training
Sunday, December 8
· 8:30am Pancake Breakfast to benefit the Teen Travel Fund
· 9am Unplug the Christmas Machine – High School Room, Childcare and coffee will be provided!
· There will be a New Member Ceremony during the Worship Service!
· 12pm Caring Committee Meeting – Middle School Room
· 12:15pm Choir of the Moment Practice – Sanctuary
We are looking forward to seeing you this week!