Feb 9: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….


Feb 9: Rev. Jack Ford will present “The Communion of Life: Climate Change & the Unitarian Universalist Response”

2006 Statement of Conscience UUA: We are part of this world and its destiny is our own. Life on this planet will be gravely affected unless we embrace new practices, ethics, and values to guide our lives on a warming planet…. We as Unitarian Universalists are called to join with others to halt practices that fuel global warming/climate change, to instigate sustainable alternatives, and to mitigate the impending effects of global warming/climate change with just and ethical responses. As a people of faith, we commit to a renewed reverence for life and respect for the interdependent web of all existence.

Led by Ken Christiansen, Accompanied by Gary Smart

What’s happening at Church this week?


Sunday, February 9th  

·        8:30am Pancake Breakfast

·        9:45am Coffee Conversations – High School Room, Childcare and Coffee will be provided

·        12:00pm Lifespan Religious Education Gathering of Elementary and Spirit Play Parents – Elementary and Spirit Play Rooms

·        12:00pm Caring Committee Meeting – High School Room

·        12:00pm Membership Committee Meeting – Middle School Room

·        3pm Coffee House – Sanctuary – Friendly people, fine music, great food! We hope you’ll feel free to add a song, a tune, or a poem. You don’t have to be a pro, just willing to share!


Tuesday, February 11th  

·        7:00pm Council Meeting – Sanctuary


Wednesday, February 12th  

·        11:30am Lunch Bunch – at Pengree’s in Orange Park

·        7:00pm BEACON – High School Room

·        7:00pm  Movie Showing: “Chasing Ice” – Sanctuary


Thursday, February 13th  

·        7:00pm Cakes for the Queen of Heaven – Elementary Room and Middle School Room


Saturday, February 15th

·        6:30pm Trinkets to Treasurers Auction – Tickets $15 if bought ahead or $20 at the door.  Please RSVP admin@bbuuc.org if you will need childcare!

We are looking forward to seeing you this week!