Archives: Services

The Sacred Art of Generosity

About our Service: It is often said that we live our lives best giving our strengths, gifts, and competencies…time, talent and treasure. This giving makes a difference in our own selves, our families, our communities, and our congregations.   Lauren Tyler Wright, author and clergy, writes: “When practiced consistently and intentionally, giving can become a spiritual … Continue reading The Sacred Art of Generosity

Our 6th UU Principle

Our 6th principle envisions a kind of Eden: A world community of peace, liberty, & justice. Right now, in 2018, that paradise appears farther away than ever. But that doesn’t mean that we Unitarian Universalists should stop working toward that goal. The world is growing evermore interrelated and humanistic values are uniting people everywhere. We … Continue reading Our 6th UU Principle

The Wisdom of Love

Wisdom and Love: a great combination! You may know the phrase ‘love of wisdom” as the source (in Greek) for our word ‘philosophy.’ But our resident philosopher has been known to turn a phrase, and this month he has a valentine for you: the wisdom of love. Join us to celebrate. About Our Speaker: Since … Continue reading The Wisdom of Love

30 Days of Love

As the “Thirty Days of Love” campaign ends, let’s join together to reflect on love and justice.   Worship Leader: Sarah Johnson Accompanist: Gary Smart

The Origin of Love

An examination of the origin and substance of love, with insight from Plato to Paul (Saint and McCartney). Phillip Baber is a graduate of the University of Kansas with a Juris Doctor degree from William & Mary. He is a former high school educator with extensive experience in youth and music ministry. He is happily … Continue reading The Origin of Love

Building Beloved Community

About our Speaker: Reverend Elizabeth Teal is an ordained interfaith minister, an animal behavior specialist and an artist. She is honored to be present in spiritual counseling, chaplaincy and in creating ceremonies and celebrations for one and all. She deeply believes in our healing connections with each other and other species. She actively tours as … Continue reading Building Beloved Community

Pete Seeger Songfest

Jim Scott Remembers Pete Seeger in Song: We’ll honor Pete Seeger, singing many of his well-loved songs such as If I Had a Hammer, Turn, Turn, Turn, Where Have All the Flowers Gone and many others. All interested singers welcome, no experience necessary. Led by composer/guitarist Jim Scott, who knew Pete well and collaborated on … Continue reading Pete Seeger Songfest

Why I Keep Trying

About our Service: Who told these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal and that each person has inherent worth and dignity? So if the truth is self evident, then what next? If we are created equally, we should be treated equally. This is why we fight! Yet the process is threatening, the … Continue reading Why I Keep Trying


About our Service: Potlatch has been a long-standing Native American tradition. It is a ritual about letting go of something and getting something new in return. Before making a New Year’s resolution, come to this service! Bring an item you are ready to let go of.  At the end of the service, everyone takes home … Continue reading Potlatch

2nd-Annual Festivus Service

Not inspired to celebrate the holidays in the traditional style? You can resist holiday commercialism and stresses by coming to BBUUC to celebrate Festivus. This “Festivus for the rest-of-us” was popularized on the TV show Seinfeld. Come be with your church family for an hour on New Years Eve morning to “air your grievances.” Festivus … Continue reading 2nd-Annual Festivus Service