Archives: Services

Our 4th UU Principle

Our fourth principle calls for “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” So what does the principal actually mean? How free can we be? How responsible should we be? What is the nature of a search: will we find a definitive answer at the end of our life? And what do the words truth and meaning signify? Is there one underlying truth, and one cosmic meaning for all of humanity?
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Resist and Rejoice

BBUUC’s delegates to the 2017 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association will share the experience of this “Justice GA” in New Orleans. Worship Leaders: Jennifer Stokes & Meg Kaminski Accompanist: Marilyn Smart

Diversity in the Media

We live in a time where anything that doesn’t align with our world view is “fake news.” If it’s not our reality, it’s not real. It would be comfortable to go through life like this, only accepting convenient news. But some people don’t have that luxury. These are often the people I write about.
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Hammer Out Love

About our Service Pete Seeger used folk music to build community. For in community, there laid the possibility for political action. A Unitarian Universalist, Seeger’s songs bolstered the labor movement of the 1940s, the civil rights marches and anti-Vietnam War rallies of the 1960s, and environmental and antiwar causes of the 1970s. We celebrate the … Continue reading Hammer Out Love

Lughnasadh: A Harvest of Blessings

In honor of Lughnasadh, the first of the three harvest festivals, Rev. OakLore shares a message of celebration, exploring spiritual stewardship and honoring the place of adversity among the harvest of our life’s blessings. More Info

We Are All Queer

The word itself makes us uncomfortable.  Some LGBTQ activists have used the word to provoke, advocate and assert their pride.  That same attitude can take us to a deeper level of gay-straight solidarity as we deconstruct the line between ‘gay’ and ‘straight’ – beginning with our speaker.  Let’s turn our discomfort to affirmation of our “queer” individuality.  All of us! More Info

Safe and Healthy School Project

About our Service: Equality Florida Institute’s Safe and Healthy Schools Program aims to create a culture of inclusion while countering the bullying, harassment, social isolation, and bigotry that dramatically increase risk factors for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning) students. Read More…

The Ties That Bind

About our Service:
As my year with the Board ends, I ponder what keeps us in our environments. This is an extension/follow-up of my previous sermon “What Am I Here For?”.
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