Category: Members Only

Capital Campaign

Official announcement: Capital-Campaign.pdf Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church has committed to early payoff of all our Promissory Notes, which constitute our building’s mortgage, no later than November 1, 2021. Early pay off will free up substantial cash flow each year for use in our operating budget through May 2030 to grow our ministries of love … Continue reading Capital Campaign

With Gratitude

With Gratitude Appreciation acknowledges the goodness in life – the positives in events, experiences, and other people.  Gratitude recognizes how the positive things in our lives are often due to forces outside of ourselves, particularly the efforts of other people.  Gratitude strengthens the bonds among people who mutually help one another. We do not have … Continue reading With Gratitude


The congregation has approved the hiring of Rev. Amy-Moses-Lagos   202008018-Letter-of-Agreemtn-to-sign.pdf Rev. Amy’s website  

What about a Minister (continued)

As we transition to our new fiscal year with the accompanying changes in leadership roles, we have made changes to our Contract Minister Search Committee.  Thank you to Linda Mowers, Eileen Morrison, and Dale Crawford for their work in preparing our Congregational Record (shared in the June Journey).  The Board has now approved Pam Richards, … Continue reading What about a Minister (continued)

Reasons for Search

What About a Minister? (continued) Reasons for Search Pam Richards, for the Board Reasons for Search: Growth:  We have been lay-led for most of our 30 years.  Since moving into our own church building 10 years ago, we have grown from ~100 members to ~150 members. We are now on the cusp between small and … Continue reading Reasons for Search

2020 Annual Pledge Drive

Each year, we ask every Member to reaffirm their commitment to Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church and to make a pledge of financial support to sustain our community. We are asking for your full involvement with a goal of 100% participation of our membership. We are already accomplishing great things! Providing a welcoming space with … Continue reading 2020 Annual Pledge Drive

What about a Minister?

What about a Minister? (continued) The Board is beginning the process of thoughtfully completing our UUA Ministerial Search Application form.  Initial Search Committee members are Kris Kines (President), Eileen Morrison (Secretary), Pam Richards (Treasurer) and Dale Crawford (Trustee).  The application is designed to give a thorough description of our congregation and what we are seeking … Continue reading What about a Minister?