Reasons for Search

What About a Minister?
Reasons for Search

Pam Richards, for the Board

Reasons for Search:

Growth:  We have been lay-led for most of our 30 years.  Since moving into our own church building 10 years ago, we have grown from ~100 members to ~150 members. We are now on the cusp between small and mid-size, i.e. the “In-Between Church.” We need help to effectively transition from a family church to a pastoral church.  We have grown too large to provide consistent ministry, pastoral care, and spiritual leadership with volunteers.  We have challenges that are beyond a volunteer’s scope of training and qualifications.  It has become increasingly difficult to recruit and retain qualified people for elected and appointed leadership positions.  We need to transfer some of our workload from volunteers to a Minister.

Worship:  As a lay-led congregation, we schedule diverse speakers for the Sunday worship sermon, including skilled members of our congregation, clergy—UU and other faiths, assorted university professors and other professionals with expertise that meets our worship criteria. We want to strengthen and grow our worship through shared ministry. We seek a UU Minister to guide our worship toward more UU-centered messages and identity, more UU theology and teachings, more spirituality and inspiration. We seek a Minister to work with the worship team in developing our worship skills and practices. We wish to evolve our worship services to reflect a more consistent quality and relevance to our changing congregation and culture through professional leadership.

Pastoral Care: We have a strong lay pastoral care program led by two members who are chaplains. However, many still wish for pastoral care from a UU minister, who would also guide our lay pastoral care ministry.

Outreach:  We are looking for professional ministry to help us increase our outreach and be a UU presence in the larger community.

Governance:  A year ago we entered into a Covenant of Affiliation with a Community Minister who was formerly an experienced UU Parish Minister.  She has helped educate us about shared ministry and the roles of governance and ministry. Our congregational structure has served us well over time, but we anticipate a need for change that incorporates professional ministry.