Archives: Services

Meet the Beatitudes! What does it mean to be meek?

The Beatitudes have something to say that few are willing to hear, and many are willing to misunderstand and misuse. They have been a concise teaching of the worlds wisdom traditions, informing Unitarian Universalism theologies, a practical spiritual roadmap for the mystic and an ultimate opiate for those pushing power. Come meet the Beatitudes and … Continue reading Meet the Beatitudes! What does it mean to be meek?

Two Sides of Transcendence

The “transcendent experience” is a universal human phenomenon foundational to the religions of people all across the world. In this sermon, we will examine both the positive and negative impacts on those who experience them. Phillip will also perform special music in honor of Father’s Day. About our speaker: Phillip Baber is the former pastor of the … Continue reading Two Sides of Transcendence

Why is the Legacy of the Stonewall Riots Now More Important Than Ever?

This year we celebrate Global LGBTQ+ Pride Celebrations, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the NYC Riots in 1969. We will reflect on how we arrived there in 1969. We will explore where we may be heading and what we can do to ensure the dignity and worth of all people. About our speaker: Manuel (Manny) … Continue reading Why is the Legacy of the Stonewall Riots Now More Important Than Ever?

Family Worship Service

Presented by Lifespan Religious Education “Connections!” About our Service: UU Spirituality is understood to be an experience of deep connection rather than a particular belief. The Spiritual life is a journey filled with the experiences of deep connection-connection to ourselves, connections to others, connections to our communities, connection to the universe, and ultimately connections to … Continue reading Family Worship Service

“Learning from Within: Stories of Women in the New World”

Basma Alawee “Learning from Within: Stories of Women in the New World” Worship Leader: David Austin Accompanist: Dr. Gary Smart Guest Musician: Cameron Bainger, Pianist About our Service: Millions of women around the globe are pushed out of their homeland due to wars and political persecutions every day. The risky journey into their new lives … Continue reading “Learning from Within: Stories of Women in the New World”

Fountain of Sorrow

Dr. Mark Yount “Fountain of Sorrow” About the sermon: My life doesn’t seem to follow Buddhism’s first noble truth, that life is suffering. Yet even amidst my more abundant joys, even when I’m not suffering, there’s a sorrow that springs up in my life “like a fountain from a pool.” Does that spring from my … Continue reading Fountain of Sorrow

BBUUC’s Annual Easter Sunday Family Worship Service and Flower Communion

  (Easter Egg Hunt and Covered Dish Dinner to follow the service) Our Family Easter celebration will include the traditional Flower Communion. Please bring a flower stem for yourself and each family member. It can be a favorite flower from your yard, your garden, or any other source. This tradition is unique to Unitarian Universalism and … Continue reading BBUUC’s Annual Easter Sunday Family Worship Service and Flower Communion