Archives: Services

Be Subject to One Another

Rev. Kimberley Debus, UU Minister, presents “Be Subject to One Another” With Donna Zimmerman as Worship Leader In these stressful times, it is easy to be unkind to those we disagree with. Yet there is a prophetic as well as a pastoral value to kindness, thoughtfulness, and helpfulness – we’ll explore how our principles and … Continue reading Be Subject to One Another


Beltane Worship Service and Annual Flower Communion Rev. Trisha Parker presents “Beltane”  With Erin Rogers as Worship Leader Reverend Parker will present a sermon about “Beltane” the Celtic May Day festival of fertility, welcoming summer, celebrating love and the creation of new life. We will also take this opportunity to conduct a virtual version of … Continue reading Beltane

The Promise in the Desert

Rev. Ranwa Hammamy presents  “The Promise in the Desert” With Elizabeth DeCoux as Worship Leader Our world is in a time of difficult & transformative reckoning. We are all living through and creating a moment in history when the deepest systemic injustices in our society are fully being called in by the promises of our … Continue reading The Promise in the Desert

Vespers Service: “Covenant”

Vespers Service: “Covenant” Join us LIVE on Zoom at the link HERE for our monthly evening Vespers Service with Reverend Amy.  In the Christian tradition, Vespers is a worship service of prayer and music that occurs at sundown. Our Vespers Service is inspired by this spirit and adapted for our Unitarian Universalist community. The service … Continue reading Vespers Service: “Covenant”

Pathways to Healing & Regeneration

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister and the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth present “Pathways to Healing & Regeneration” Including a Sermon Reflection by Rev. Yadenee Hailu With Erin Rogers as Worship Associate When you imagine pathways to personal, social and ecological healing and regeneration, what do you see? Who is with you on your journey? What transforms and gives … Continue reading Pathways to Healing & Regeneration

Widening the Circle: Dismantling Racism and Oppression in Unitarian Universalism

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “Widening the Circle: Dismantling Racism and Oppression in Unitarian Universalism”  With Jennifer Bacmeister as Worship Associate Many Unitarian Universalists today are working towards making congregations more welcoming to and inclusive of people who face discrimination in the larger society, including Black, Indiginous and people of color, LGBTQIA+ individuals, disabled … Continue reading Widening the Circle: Dismantling Racism and Oppression in Unitarian Universalism

HOPE Will Be Restored

Easter Sunday Worship Service created and presented by your BBUUC Worship Team “HOPE Will Be Restored” Join us for our second Easter Sunday Worship Service from a virtual platform. BBUUC’s Worship Team will present what may be our last Virtual Easter Service. We hope you will enjoy our collaborative contributions, created to celebrate this special … Continue reading HOPE Will Be Restored

Faith Submerged

Manny Andrade presents  “Faith Submerged” With Elizabeth DeCoux as Worship Leader “Faith Submerged” will explore the pattern of communities of faith to submerge and erase the visibility and contributions of LGBTQ people. This disenfranchisement historically and in the present is not limited to a few movements. We will explore the importance and value of Queer … Continue reading Faith Submerged

Loved Into Being

A Stewardship Worship Experience from the UUA: “Loved Into Being” With an introduction by  Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister Worship leaders include Rev. Chris Long and Rev. Mariela Pérez-Simons The Music Director for this service is Jen Hayman What if to “side with love” meant making bold, faith-full choices? What if it were even a … Continue reading Loved Into Being