Archives: Services

The Backscratchers: Pastoral Care at BBUUC

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “The Backscratchers: Pastoral Care at BBUUC” With members of our Pastoral Care Team: Chaplain Donna Zimmerman as Worship Associate, Debby Jones, Paul Petrilla, and Julie Smithers Before the invention of the backscratcher, people had to rely on one another to scratch that unreachable itch in the middle of the back. Pastoral caregivers at … Continue reading The Backscratchers: Pastoral Care at BBUUC

Who Tells Your Story?

Rev. Tracie Barrett presents “Who Tells Your Story?”  With Claudia Marshall as Worship Leader Every community has a story about who they are and where they came from. This story is the framework we use for creating our future. Rev. Tracie Barrett explores what to do if your story isn’t matching up with where you … Continue reading Who Tells Your Story?

Holding On and Letting Go

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “Holding On and Letting Go”  In the months after Christmas of 2019, my husband and I never got around to taking down our artificial Christmas tree. Then the pandemic began, and we still never got around to taking down the tree. Finally, I realized that I would need help … Continue reading Holding On and Letting Go

As Tranquil Streams

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “As Tranquil Streams”  With Caitlin Regan as Worship Associate In 1961, the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America merged to become the Unitarian Universalist Association that has continued to the present day. Each tradition had its own rich history and theology. Unitarians and Universalists had to … Continue reading As Tranquil Streams

Be Who You Are

David Dean, presents “Be Who You Are”  A sermon written by Rev. Peter A. Friedrichs With Alyssa Halliday as Worship Leader David will deliver this sermon from Reverend Peter Friedrichs that presents the theological insights of Rev. Forrest Church, who was a Minister in New York City for 30 years. The sermon considers who each … Continue reading Be Who You Are

Daffodil Growth

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “Daffodil Growth”  With Elizabeth DeCoux as Worship Associate When a daffodil grows out of the ground, it has a tough green skin that protects its blossoms from the cold and snow. As the weather warms, the flower no longer needs this layer, and it sheds. Like the daffodil, there … Continue reading Daffodil Growth

Life Before Death

Rev. Carmen Emerson presents “Life Before Death”  With Claudia Marshall as Worship Leader As a UU chaplain serving a community hospital near the Florida-Georgia line, Rev. Carmen Emerson reflects on what a pandemic can teach us about life before death and how preparing for one’s inevitable mortality is a gesture of gratitude for a life … Continue reading Life Before Death

On Sabbatical

The BBUUC Worship Team is taking a 4-week Sabbatical from weekly worship duties between Sunday, July 18 through Sunday, August 8. For four Sundays, we will find time to rest and rejuvenate from our weekly work to provide virtual Sunday Worship Services and Live Zoom Fellowships, with the intention to return in August refreshed and … Continue reading On Sabbatical

Playful Celebrations

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “Playful Celebrations”  With Donna Zimmerman as Worship Associate Our Unitarian Universalist heritage reminds us that playfulness and joy are important aspects of our lives. We are not only on this earth to work to earn a living and make it through each day. We are here to take in … Continue reading Playful Celebrations