Archives: Services

Living Intentionally with Grief

Rev. Holly Rowley presents “Living Intentionally with Grief” With David Dean as Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Dr. Marc Dickman, Guest Musician, Euphonium and Tuba About our service: How to create rituals in your life to honor and move through your grief. About our guest speaker: Rev. Holly Rowley was ordained through One Spirit … Continue reading Living Intentionally with Grief

Revisioning the Civil Rights Movement

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “Revisioning the Civil Rights Movement” With Claudia Marshall as Worship Associate Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Dr. Sunshine Simmons, Guest Musician, Clarinet About our service: Many versions of the history of the Civil Rights Movement exaggerate government support, sanitize icons, deny the existence of racism outside of the South, and … Continue reading Revisioning the Civil Rights Movement

Willie Nelson Was SO Wrong!

Donna Zimmerman presents “Willie Nelson Was SO Wrong!” With Alyssa Halliday, Worship Leader Sydney Crisp, Accompanist Natalie Taunton, Special Music, Cello About our service: Who is included in the 1st Principle? About our speaker: Donna Zimmerman is a long-time resident of Jacksonville who had a ‘timeout” for a mere 18 years in Dallas where she … Continue reading Willie Nelson Was SO Wrong!

BBUUC’s Annual Festivus Celebration

BBUUC’s Annual Festivus Celebration With Jennifer Bacmeister as Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Tyler Kidd, Special Music, Piano   About our service: Join BBUUC in our Annual Festivus Celebration! We will enjoy a participatory Recitation of Festivus Miracles, air our grievances, and perform the traditional Feats of Strength! BBUUC is proud to have it’s very … Continue reading BBUUC’s Annual Festivus Celebration

Gifts of Darkness

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “Gifts of Darkness” With Donna Zimmerman as Worship Associate Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist  Michael Bernos, Special Music The Winter Solstice is a time to reflect on the balance of dark and light in our lives. This service will explore the value of darkness as holding the possibility of rest, … Continue reading Gifts of Darkness

BBUUC’s Annual Pop-up Christmas Pageant

Lifespan Religious Education presents: BBUUC’s Annual Pop-up Christmas Pageant Please join Lifespan Religious Education in a special afternoon of celebration and fellowship as we raise our voices in story and song to greet Christmas with our annual Pop-up Christmas Pageant. Together we will all recreate the story of the birth of Jesus while drawing on our … Continue reading BBUUC’s Annual Pop-up Christmas Pageant

Joy, Actually

Pastor Phillip Baber presents “Joy, Actually” With Claudia Marshall as Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist  Grace Scarborough, Guest Musician, Piano In this sermon, we will examine the role of joy in the Unitarian Universalist faith and how a UU “theory of joy” may differ from its Christian counterpart. About our guest speaker: Phillip Baber … Continue reading Joy, Actually