Category: Uncategorized

UUCF – August 2020

Join the Christian Fellowship this Sunday on Zoom. The topic will be The Scientific Brain: Lesson #5 – Atheists and Believers. from The Spiritual Brain: Science and Religious Experience. All are welcome to join us. Zoom link HERE


Not registered?  To enjoy what’s public, click here. GA 2020 Events of Interest for UUJEC Dr. Dick Burkhart, long time UUJEC board member’s recommendations Wednesday, June 24th Eastern/Pacific 3:00 PM/Noon UU Multicultural Unity Action Council, UUMUAC zoom 7:30/4:30 pm Welcoming Celebration Thursday, June 25th Eastern/Pacific 10:00 AM/7:00 AM  90 Minute Workshop on Inclusive Democracy #202 12:45 AM/9:45 am Poster Session … Continue reading GA2020

Kids Kamp June 2020

Virtual UU Kamp via the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix Woohoo! The UUC of Phoenix has graciously opened their online UU Kids Kamp to UU kids across the country!  What a great opportunity for our kids to meet and create friendships with other UUs and to see that our denomination is so much larger than … Continue reading Kids Kamp June 2020

Side with Love and Love Resists

Side with Love and Love Resists presents: Unfinished Business: A Study of DuBois’ Reconstruction in America to Now 4 Wednesdays: June 10, June 17, July 1 and July 8 This political education series offered by Side With Love and Love Resists will explore the history of the reconstruction era (post-civil war), to give us a deeper understanding of the origin … Continue reading Side with Love and Love Resists

Learn About Us June 2020

Greetings! The events of this year have certainly put a damper on many of our lives.  We at BBUUC hope you are finding an avenue of spiritual relief. Would you like to explore our faith and our church?  This can be done through our Learn About Us class.  I will offer Session 1 on June … Continue reading Learn About Us June 2020

Reasons for Search

What About a Minister? (continued) Reasons for Search Pam Richards, for the Board Reasons for Search: Growth:  We have been lay-led for most of our 30 years.  Since moving into our own church building 10 years ago, we have grown from ~100 members to ~150 members. We are now on the cusp between small and … Continue reading Reasons for Search

Contribute to Peace

On this Memorial Day weekend, our thoughts turn to the many thousands of US military personnel who have given their lives in service to their country over the past century. One can’t help but think of the futility of war, but what can one person do to steer our nation away from conflict and toward … Continue reading Contribute to Peace

Essential and Virtual: Updated Guidance for Gathering

As states around the country begin to loosen guidelines and take actions to reopen, even as COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to climb, we have received many questions from congregations about returning to in-person gatherings. Over the past several weeks, the UUA has consulted with multiple public health officials in order to update the guidance … Continue reading Essential and Virtual: Updated Guidance for Gathering

Caring Committee Cards

Caring Committee, Caring Congregation!! Cards & Emails A little story. Two months after I joined the UU in Vero Beach, I had a pretty bad accident, nearly killing my husband and my aunt.  I was unscathed physically but of course, quite a mess emotionally. I could only identity 6 or 7 of my fellow congregants, … Continue reading Caring Committee Cards