Category: Bulletin

This Week at BBUUC… September 1

This week at BBUUC…. September 1: Reverend Pat Ray will present: “Unitarian Universalism: Salvation To Damnation?” Unitarian Universalists are not Christian in the sense of requiring creedal belief for salvation.  While congregations vary widely, all UUA member congregations covenant to affirm and promote an agreed set of seven principles.  None of these principles speak to … Continue reading This Week at BBUUC… September 1

This Week at BBUUC…August 11

This week at BBUUC….   August 11 Rev. Jack Ford will present “Getting Over It”?  Trauma and Spiritual Growth “Every life has at least one crisis,” I read recently.  Certainly each of us knows someone who has been changed forever by some traumatic event.  Our culture in recent years is dominated by fears of terror, murder, … Continue reading This Week at BBUUC…August 11

This Week at BBUUC…August 4

This week at BBUUC….  August 4 Rev. Carmen Emerson will present “Living Together in the Gaze of Blessing”   A reflection on six blessings of imperfection: empathy, sympathy, gratitude, creativity, grace and wisdom.  Led by Linda Mowers. Accompanied by Eileen Morrison.  This service will include an OWL Recognition.  About the Speaker: Rev. Carmen Emerson is an … Continue reading This Week at BBUUC…August 4

This Week at BBUUC….July 28

This week at BBUUC….  July 28: Beacon will present “Finding Our Way“  The sermon will concern where we are, how we got here, and where we may be heading as youth. Led by: BEACON What’s happening at Church this week? Sunday, July 28  ·        9am BBUUCF 12pm Sunday Sundaes – The BBUUC BEACON group invites … Continue reading This Week at BBUUC….July 28

This Week at BBUUC…June 30, 2013

This week at BBUUC….  June 30: Members of our Congregation will present a collaborative service: “Putting on Your UU Bifocals“  This service will discuss strategies to stay true to UU principles, when life throws us curveballs, inside and outside of our congregational lives.  Led by: Sarah Ritzmann  Accompanied by Gary Smart   What’s happening at … Continue reading This Week at BBUUC…June 30, 2013