Author: DavidChristenson

Animal Chaplain April 2024

April 24 is World Day for Laboratory Animals, highlighting the plight of the 115 million animals who suffer and die in laboratories worldwide each year.  While there is more to do, 2024’s commemoration involves an important new development.  The National Institutes of Health, a major funder of research in the United States, has committed to … Continue reading Animal Chaplain April 2024

Soulful Parenting Group Raising a Child: Living with Intention

January 4th- 7:30-8:30 pm (Zoom) Soulful Parenting Group Raising a Child: Living with Intention Join HERE   Our Parenting Group supports sharing realizations, challenges and hopes around the monthly Soulful Home theme with other supportive adults. This month’s questions revolve around Living with Intention. Pick a few questions that speak to you and come share … Continue reading Soulful Parenting Group Raising a Child: Living with Intention

Soul Matters-Soulful Home for Parents & Families

Soul Matters-Soulful Home for Parents & Families Find Your Materials HERE   What Does it Mean to be a Family Living with Intention? Several months ago, the journalist and author Malcolm Gladwell interviewed professor and author Ibram X. Kendi on the occasion of the release of Kendi’s new podcast, Be Antiracist. In the interview, … Continue reading Soul Matters-Soulful Home for Parents & Families

Soul Matters Adult Faith Development

Soul Matters Adult Faith Development Find Your Soul Matters Packet HERE   Welcome to Living with Intention “Here’s what I discovered. Intention is different from setting goals or resolutions in that it “pulls us into” who we truly are. Goals and resolutions “push us out” into future possibilities. To set intentions, we must listen … Continue reading Soul Matters Adult Faith Development

Capital Campaign

Official announcement: Capital-Campaign.pdf Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church has committed to early payoff of all our Promissory Notes, which constitute our building’s mortgage, no later than November 1, 2021. Early pay off will free up substantial cash flow each year for use in our operating budget through May 2030 to grow our ministries of love … Continue reading Capital Campaign