Nehemiah Action Assembly Report

At least 88 BBUUC members and friends were among the 1,000+ people who attended the ICARE Nehemiah Action Assembly on Monday, April 19, on Zoom and on YouTube! The number is indefinite because there were 158 people who registered without clearly indicating their congregation. Nonetheless, BBUUC had a strong presence.

Because of our collective and powerful call for change, State Attorney Nelson committed to work with ICARE and Sheriff Williams to develop an adult civil citations program. She also agreed to meet with us by June 1.

At 9:58 AM on Tuesday morning, Sheriff Williams sent a written commitment to ICARE. He committed to:

  • work with State Attorney Nelson to develop an adult civil citation program
  • apply for the CIT International Program Certification
  • track the outcomes of 911 calls and other key data points
  • attend the community problems assembly
  • contact the National Network for Safe Communities regarding an analysis of Group Violence Intervention in Jacksonville and provide updates to ICARE
  • report the number of shootings resulting in injury on the JSO open data website

Dr. Greene also reported that restorative practice utilization rates in Duval Public Schools have increased from 9% to 41% percent.

Recording of the Nehemiah Assembly:

When we work together, great things happen!

<<< ICARE is an antiracist organization in the tradition of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. >>>