Speaker: Rev. Carmen Emerson

The Room We Invite People To…

Reverend Carmen Emerson “The Room We Invite People To…” Worship Leader: Kris Kines Accompanist: Dr. Gary Smart Guest Musician: Jamie DeFrates The title of this sermon is a direct quote that came from an inspiring conversation with your Board about BBUUC and the religious/spiritual/faithful community that we create, sustain, and evolve, together. In the absence … Continue reading The Room We Invite People To…

Love, Pray, Eat

Rev. Carmen Emerson “Love, Pray, Eat” Worship Leader: Jim Wood Accompanist: Eileen Morrison Guest Musician: Pete Jorgensen, Piano The famous memoir Eat, Pray, Love is in my ‘someday’ stack of books to read. In the meantime, as we approach American Thanksgiving and a holiday season of gatherings with family and friends, I’ll offer a different … Continue reading Love, Pray, Eat