Archives: Services

Censorship and Book Burnings Then and Now, a Reflection for LGBT Pride Month

Manny Andrade presents “Censorship and Book Burnings Then and Now, a Reflection for LGBT Pride Month” Elizabeth DeCoux, Worship Leader with the Welcoming Congregation Ministry Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Lynn Wadley, Guitar and Mountain Dulcimer, Special Music We will explore historical parallels of censorship of the LGBT community yesterday and today. Don’t forget to bring your … Continue reading Censorship and Book Burnings Then and Now, a Reflection for LGBT Pride Month

Fireflies and Genius

Rev. Kaaren Anderson Interim Minister of the UU Fellowship of Vero Beach (FL) Presents a virtual sermon for BBUUC: “Fireflies and Genius” Donna Zimmerman, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Mike Ludwick, Special Music One of the primary reasons we get tripped up when it comes to creativity has to do with fear and judgment. We … Continue reading Fireflies and Genius

Religious Education Sunday

Religious Education Sunday Jenn Jones, Director of Religious Education Beth Curtis, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Tyler Kidd (Piano), Special Music Our Annual Religious Education Sunday Service is for all ages and focuses on our children and the children’s religious education (RE) program. It’s also an opportunity to recognize those who teach and volunteer for … Continue reading Religious Education Sunday

Love All, Serve All

Jennifer Bacmeister presents “Love All, Serve All” Alyssa Halliday, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Dr. Sunshine Simmons, Clarinet Jennifer looks at how the seemingly innocuous marketing of a now-major entertainment franchise pointed her towards Unitarian Universalism and examines how we receive, or don’t receive, messages that can be meaningful to us. About Our Speaker: Jennifer … Continue reading Love All, Serve All

Flower Communion Service

BBUUC FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE Flower Communion Service Beth Curtis and Jennifer Bacmeister, Worship Leaders Jenn Jones, Director of Religious Education Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Timothy Edwards, Violin, Guest Musician 100 years ago, a Unitarian minister named Norbert Capek held the first Flower Communion service in a small spare church in Czechoslovakia that had no piano, … Continue reading Flower Communion Service

The Earth Journal, Inspired by Nature

Beth Curtis presents “The Earth Journal, Inspired by Nature” Elizabeth DeCoux, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Jarrett Carter, Jazz Guitar, Guest Musician In celebration of Earth Day, Beth will be presenting “The Earth Journal, Inspired by Nature,” an exploration into the seminal experiences and ideas that have informed the spiritual reverence that she feels for this planet. About Our Speaker: Growing … Continue reading The Earth Journal, Inspired by Nature

Rest is Resistance. Can I Get an Amen

Rev. Emilie Boggis Co-Minister of the Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Summit (NJ) Presents a virtual sermon for BBUUC: “Rest is Resistance. Can I Gan an Amen?” Kris Kines, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Mike Ludwick, Voice and Guitar Tricia Hersey, American poet, performance artist, and activist says, “What people aren’t expecting, is that … Continue reading Rest is Resistance. Can I Get an Amen

Cultivating New Life in Our Spiritual Gardens

BBUUC FAMILY EASTER SERVICE “Cultivating New Life in Our Spiritual Gardens” Jennifer Bacmeister, Claudia Marshall, and Caitlin Regan, Worship Leaders Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Caitlin Regan, Voice Easter is a time to reflect on death and rebirth, repeated in stories from cultures all around the world as well as in our very own gardens. At … Continue reading Cultivating New Life in Our Spiritual Gardens

Subway Jesus

Rev. Kaaren Anderson Interim Minister of the UU Fellowship of Vero Beach (FL) Presents a virtual sermon for BBUUC: “Subway Jesus” Donna Zimmerman, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Job Meiller, Voice and Guitar For Palm Sunday and the month that we explore “The Path of Resistance, Rev. Anderson shares with us her understanding of … Continue reading Subway Jesus