Archives: Services

Water Communion

As is traditional in many UU churches across the country, BBUUC will hold our annual Water Sharing ritual. All are invited to bring a small container of water from (or representing) your travels, special places, moments or events from the summer or the year, and place the waters into the communal bowl.
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Celebration of the Ancestors: Samhain Sunday Service

Join BBUUC in honoring the Ancestors in this special Sunday service presented by Jacksonville CUUPS and members of the NE FL Pagan Leadership Coalition. Please bring a photo representing your departed loved ones to place in honor upon the memorial altar.
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Violence in the Time of Noah

Genesis  Chapter 6, Verse 13 tells us that “God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.”  Of what kind of violence was God speakiing? More Info

Stuff: You Can’t Take It With You

a sermon about the stuff that surrounds us and the stuff that fills our lives… We are a nation of hoarders – what are you hoarding?
Reverend Liz Teal specializes in eco-theology, the human-animal bond, and all their healing aspects. She is the Spiritual Director for The Ministry of Animals and the Educational Director for Giving Paws. More Info