Archives: Services


Rev. Elizabeth Teal will present “Joy!” Worship Leader: Caitlin Regan Accompanist: Guest Musician: Clement Dutheil About our Service: A peek into the Art, Science, Spirituality and Essential Need of Joy. And why it is more important now, in these uncertain times to cultivate it. About our Speaker: Reverend Elizabeth Teal is an ordained interfaith minister, … Continue reading Joy!

Saints Beyond their Caricatures

Manuel (Manny) Andrade will present “Saints Beyond their Caricatures” Worship Leader: David Austin Accompanist: Gary Smart Special Music by Marilyn Smart About our Service: By going beyond the caricatures we paint of prophets and great teachers we lose their essence. About our Speaker: Manuel ( Manny) Andrade, was born in Lima Peru and raised in … Continue reading Saints Beyond their Caricatures

Emotional Alchemy: recognizing our schemas and avoiding maladaptive states

Wendy Kissinger presents “Emotional Alchemy: recognizing our schemas and avoiding maladaptive states” Worship Leader: Viqui Hilliard Accompanist: Eileen Morrison Special Music by our speaker, Wendy Kissinger About Our Service: We can transform our minds to overcome disturbing emotions and achieve a sense of inner peace (even in a world seemingly gone mad). Practical suggestions for recognizing … Continue reading Emotional Alchemy: recognizing our schemas and avoiding maladaptive states

Service of Memory

Cindi Jorgensen presents “Service of Memory” Worship Leader: Lee Plumb Accompanist: Gary Smart About Our Service: Our national obsession with genealogy and the science of genetics has given us a window into our family trees. These connections fulfill a historical and spiritual need. You might wonder where you got your tenacity, your musical talent, or … Continue reading Service of Memory

The Divine and the Human in Emerson’s Concept of ‘Self-Reliance’

Dr. Timothy Whelan presents “The Divine and the Human in Emerson’s Concept of ‘Self-Reliance’” Worship Leader: Jay Gardner Accompanist: Gary Smart Special Music: Mike Bernos About Our Service: Ralph Waldo Emerson’s concept of “self-reliance” stands in sharp contrast to orthodox religion’s views of the “self.” For Emerson, the “self” is not marked by hopeless “depravity” … Continue reading The Divine and the Human in Emerson’s Concept of ‘Self-Reliance’

Family Worship: Annual Ingathering and Water Sharing Ceremony

Family Worship: Annual Ingathering and Water Sharing Ceremony Worship Leader: Jennifer Stokes Accompanist: Gary Smart Special Music: Eunice Paliy, Piano As is traditional in many UU churches across the country, BBUUC will hold our annual water sharing service (sometimes called “Water Communion”) on Sunday, September 9th. All are invited to bring a small container of … Continue reading Family Worship: Annual Ingathering and Water Sharing Ceremony

Creative Steps to Self-Recovery

Chris Repass presents “Creative Steps to Self-Recovery” Worship Leader: Grace Repass Accompanist: Eileen Morrison Special Music: Goliath Flores About Our Service: Through his personal journey creating porcelain artwork and undergoing a shattering experience three years ago, Chris explores how the lessons he’s learned during his artistic pursuits can help all of us process and overcome … Continue reading Creative Steps to Self-Recovery

Spiritual Growth

Linda Crawford presents “Spiritual Growth” About our Service: Our third principle asks us to encourage each other to grow spiritually. But what is spiritual growth? To Linda, spiritual growth is mostly about becoming as open and vulnerable as we can. That means we become open to both pleasure and pain, to both the joys and … Continue reading Spiritual Growth

Three Teachings from Dr. Seuss

Chris Jarman, Director of Religious Education, presents “Three Teachings from Dr. Seuss” (A Family Worship Service – for All Ages!) About our Service: Join us for a joy filled day to start the new school year. The Blessings of the Backpacks will also occur during this service. Three Teachings from Dr. Seuss: Since Theodor Geisel published his first … Continue reading Three Teachings from Dr. Seuss