Archives: Services

Beyond Buzzwords: The Meaning and Significance of Critical Thinking

Dr. Jeffrey Nall “Beyond Buzzwords: The Meaning and Significance of Critical Thinking” Worship Leader: Carole Hawkins Accompanist: Eileen Morrison Special Music by Job Meiller In this talk Jeffrey Nall, Ph.D. discusses the meaning and importance of critical thinking. Nall aims to help us confront the unreliability of ordinary ways of thinking about life. By contrasting critical thinking with non-critical … Continue reading Beyond Buzzwords: The Meaning and Significance of Critical Thinking

The Room We Invite People To…

Reverend Carmen Emerson “The Room We Invite People To…” Worship Leader: Kris Kines Accompanist: Dr. Gary Smart Guest Musician: Jamie DeFrates The title of this sermon is a direct quote that came from an inspiring conversation with your Board about BBUUC and the religious/spiritual/faithful community that we create, sustain, and evolve, together. In the absence … Continue reading The Room We Invite People To…

BBUUC’s Fifth Annual Festivus Celebration

“BBUUC’s Fifth Annual Festivus Celebration” Worship Leader/presenter: Jennifer Stokes Accompanist: Dr. Gary Smart About our Service: Join BBUUC in our Fifth Annual Festivus Celebration! We will enjoy a participatory Recitation of Festivus Miracles, air our grievances, and perform the traditional Feats of Strength! BBUUC is proud to have it’s very own Festivus pole, which will … Continue reading BBUUC’s Fifth Annual Festivus Celebration

Mothers of Compassion

Reverend Elizabeth Teal “Mothers of Compassion” Worship Leader: Meghan Kaminsky Accompanist: Sydney Crisp Special Music: Lynn Wadley, Mountain Dulcimer A sermon for Mary, Solstice, Midwinter and all that parents us through the dark night. About our Speaker: Reverend Elizabeth Teal is the executive director of Giving Paws. She is also the Spiritual Director for The … Continue reading Mothers of Compassion

Unto You a Child is Born

BBUUC Family Worship Service and Annual Religious Education Christmas Celebration “Unto You a Child is Born Worship Leader: Alyssa Halliday and Chris Jarman Accompanist: Sydney Crisp   The Christmas story is rooted in old, old tales of the winter solstice. In ancient times in Europe, when the solstice came, distant ancestors sometimes told stories of … Continue reading Unto You a Child is Born

The Practice of Right Relations

The BBUUC Healthy Congregation Team “The Practice of Right Relations” Worship Leader: Linda Mowers Accompanist: Dr. Gary Smart Guest Musician: Boja Kragulj, Clarinet The discipline and practice of living in right relationships are essential to healthy Unitarian Universalist congregations. They also go beyond that circle of connections in our church family, into all aspects of … Continue reading The Practice of Right Relations

Love, Pray, Eat

Rev. Carmen Emerson “Love, Pray, Eat” Worship Leader: Jim Wood Accompanist: Eileen Morrison Guest Musician: Pete Jorgensen, Piano The famous memoir Eat, Pray, Love is in my ‘someday’ stack of books to read. In the meantime, as we approach American Thanksgiving and a holiday season of gatherings with family and friends, I’ll offer a different … Continue reading Love, Pray, Eat