Archives: Services

Honoring Juneteenth

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “Honoring Juneteenth” With Kris Kines as Worship Associate Sydney Crisp, Accompanist Special Music by Linda Minke on cello Juneteenth is the annual holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. On June 19,1865, enslaved Americans in Galveston, Texas, finally received word that they were free from bondage. … Continue reading Honoring Juneteenth

Blessed are the Queer: A Spiritual Manifesto

BBUUC’s Annual PRIDE Worship Service Led by BBUUC’s Rainbow Welcoming Ministry Manny Andrade presents “Blessed are the Queer:  A Spiritual Manifesto”  Elizabeth DeCoux, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Special Music by Sarah Jane Young on flute Inspired by a poem written by HP Rivers, the DRE of the UU Church in Tallahassee, FL, and … Continue reading Blessed are the Queer: A Spiritual Manifesto

Reflections on Israel/Palestine

Pastor Phillip Baber presents “Reflections on Israel/Palestine”  With Elizabeth DeCoux as Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist  Special Music by Lynn Wadley In this sermon, Phillip will share experiences and insights from his recent trip to Israel and Palestine. About Our Guest Speaker: Phillip Baber is the pastor of The People’s Church of Jacksonville and … Continue reading Reflections on Israel/Palestine

Emergency Confetti

Donna Zimmerman, BBUUC Chaplain, presents “Emergency Confetti” With Kris Kines as Worship Leader Sydney Crisp, Accompanist  Special Music by First Coast Flute Choir Children look at the world with wonder and amazement. Too often as adults our focus gradually changes. How can our lives be different if we re-learn the magic of the ordinary? About … Continue reading Emergency Confetti

Lessons from Parenting

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “Lessons from Parenting” With Claudia Marshall as Worship Associate Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Special Music by Bill Prince, accompanied on piano by Dr. Gary Smart In this service, Reverend Amy will share lessons she has learned from her experience raising a disabled child. The service will include readings and … Continue reading Lessons from Parenting

Widening the Circle of Love

Rev. Tracie Barrett presents “Widening the Circle of Love” With Caitlin Regan as Worship Leader Sydney Crisp, Accompanist  Special Music by Gavin Martelloti, Saxophone,  accompanied on piano by Dr. Gary Smart   In 1966, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., spoke to our General Assembly about not sleeping through the revolution. The most recent … Continue reading Widening the Circle of Love

The Hope of Easter

Easter Sunday Family Worship Service Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “The Hope of Easter” With Donna Zimmerman as Worship Associate Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist   Early Christians believed their purpose was to nurture communities of beauty, joy, and love, even as they faced persecution and oppression. This intergenerational service will explore what we can … Continue reading The Hope of Easter