Archives: Services

Change Is the Path of Love

Tret Fure Presents a Sermon as Song: “Change Is the Path of Love“ Elizabeth DeCoux, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist  (DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS TODAY! DON’T FORGET TO “FALL” BACK AN HOUR!)  Don’t forget to bring your loose change (paper bills also accepted) for our first-Sunday Pennies from Heaven collection benefitting The Clothes Closet & … Continue reading Change Is the Path of Love

We Need Courage Now

Elizabeth DeCoux “We Need Courage Now” Donna Zimmerman, Worship Leader Sydney Crisp, Accompanist Caitlin Regan, special music, vocals October is LGBTQ History Month. Our Soul Matters theme for October is courage. Both Aristotle and Winston Churchill spoke of courage as the first virtue, because it makes all the other virtues possible. The sermon will explore … Continue reading We Need Courage Now

Now Is the Accepted Time

Rev. Tracie Barrett “Now Is the Accepted Time” Claudia Marshall, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Grace Scarborough, Guest Musician, Piano The Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade came down while Unitarian Universalists were gathered in person and virtually at our General Assembly. Rev. Tracie acknowledges our feelings, as well as what our next … Continue reading Now Is the Accepted Time

Where Seldom is Heard…

David Dean presents “Where Seldom is Heard…” A sermon written by  Rev. Rod Richards Beth Curtis, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Job Meiller, Special Music, Guitar and Vocals Dis-courage-ment robs me of courage. How can I ever replenish courage—restore courage—if I am in this world where an encouraging word is seldom heard… About our … Continue reading Where Seldom is Heard…

If Not Us, Then Who? If Not Now, Then When?

Rev. Carmen Emerson BBUUC Affiliated Community Minister And Claudia Marshall BBUUC Board Trustee, Social Action and READI Ministry Chair present “If Not Us, Then Who? If Not Now, Then When?” Linda Mowers, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Swing and a Miss, Guest Musicians The sermon title is a direct quote from civil rights leader … Continue reading If Not Us, Then Who? If Not Now, Then When?

Eleven Secret Herbs and Spices

Donna Zimmerman, BBUUC Chaplain, presents “Eleven Secret Herbs and Spices” Beth Curtis, Worship Leader Sydney Crisp, Accompanist Pete Jorgensen (Piano), Special Music It’s human nature to see things through the lens of our own experiences, knowledge, biases, understandings, and even our emotional state in any given moment. How can that separate us from others in … Continue reading Eleven Secret Herbs and Spices

BBUUC Annual Family Ingathering and Water Sharing Sunday

BBUUC Annual Family Ingathering and Water Sharing Sunday Presented by the Worship Team and Lifespan Religious Education Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist We have a tradition each year at BBUUC to hold an Ingathering and Water Sharing Sunday after Labor Day. It’s a celebration of our whole community coming back together after summer. In this multi-generational … Continue reading BBUUC Annual Family Ingathering and Water Sharing Sunday

Longing for Belonging

Rev. Christine Dance Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix presents a virtual sermon for BBUUC: “Longing for Belonging” Caitlin Regan, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Timothy Edwards (Violin), Guest Musician Brené Brown says that our desire for connection and love runs deep but that “when we ‘fit in’ instead of actually ‘belong,’ … Continue reading Longing for Belonging