Newcomer Orientation
What are Newcomer Classes?
Newcomer Classes explore our personal spiritual journeys; Unitarian and Universalist history; our own BBUUC church history and structure; and what it means to become a Member of our congregation.
Who teaches the classes?
Classes are facilitated by our Membership committee with the assistance of other church leaders.
Who should attend?
Newcomers Classes are designed for individuals seeking in depth information about Unitarian Universalism and/or those who are considering membership, including those who wish to transfer membership from another Unitarian Universalist congregation to BBUUC. There is no obligation to become a Member after taking the classes.
How soon should I take the Newcomers Classes?
We recommend and prefer that you attend Sunday worship over a period of time to become familiar with our services, experience a variety of our diverse speakers, and meet others in our congregation prior to taking Newcomers Classes. You may indicate your interest in the Newcomers classes either at the Welcome Table at church or by contacting
When are Newcomer Classes held?
Our Membership committee maintains contact with those people who express an interest in taking Newcomer Classes. Classes are scheduled periodically throughout the year based upon demand. We like to have a minimum group of 3 and a maximum of around 10 people at a time.
We typically schedule two consecutive sessions on Sundays from noon till 2:00 p.m., although other days or times can be scheduled as needed.
The next scheduled classes are:
Sunday October 14, 2018
Sunday, October 21, 2018.