Category: Uncategorized

2022 Parenting Group

Join Zoom Meeting: Our Parenting Group supports sharing realizations, challenges and hopes around the monthly Soulful Home theme with other supportive adults. This month’s questions revolve around a passage from Ann Lamott’s book Grace (eventually). She writes a lot from her perspective as a person of faith, a single parent, and a recovering addict. … Continue reading 2022 Parenting Group

Animal Grief Support Group

Our society does not value the lives of our companion animals the same way it values the lives of our human relatives. When a human family member dies, there is often a memorial service or celebration of life attended by relatives, friends, and neighbors. A minister, rabbi, or priest officiates. There is typically an article … Continue reading Animal Grief Support Group

Animal Grief Support Group

Are you grieving the death of a companion animal?  Or do you experience anticipatory grief for an animal who is dying?  Even though society sometimes devalues this type of grief, it is real and can be every bit as intense as what we experience with the loss of a human friend or family member.  Whether … Continue reading Animal Grief Support Group


For our health  — vaccinations!  And not just COVID (This is for your consideration.  Your physician is the ultimate guide regarding your personal health.) The spotlight is on COVID vaccinations right now, but adults and kids can be vulnerable to other diseases — especially those considered childhood diseases.   As we prepare to gather in groups … Continue reading Vaccinations

Gift Card Sunday

December 5 is Gift Card Sunday!  RWM will be collecting gift cards outside before church.  RWM will deliver those gift cards to Northeast Florida Aids Network and to Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Network. NFAN serves people with AIDS, many of whom live in poverty. JASMYN serves LGBTQ+ young people, including some who are homeless … Continue reading Gift Card Sunday

Chalica, December 6th-12th

Chalica is a weeklong holiday, during which we honor and celebrate our seven Unitarian Universalist Principles. It is a time dedicated to reflecting and putting into practice, through our words and deeds, one Principle per day for seven days.   For me, Chalica is an opportunity for introspection and a slowing down. It is a perfect … Continue reading Chalica, December 6th-12th

Soulful Parenting Group

November 2nd- 7:00-8:00 pm (Zoom) Soulful Parenting Group with Chris Our discussion this session will be driven by the Spiritual Snack Questions from the November Soulful Home packet. (See the Children’s RE Newsletter for questions). Join us in this safe and supportive space where a parent or caregiver can share, learn, and discuss the … Continue reading Soulful Parenting Group

Socktober 2021

BOO! OCTOBER IS SOCKTOBER! Hey Folks! This is our 4th year celebrating SOCKTOBER! And we have some big socks to fill to beat last years donations of 805 pairs of new socks! Just think how many people 805 pairs of socks helped to have warm, dry feet this last year. In case you’re asking, “What … Continue reading Socktober 2021

Soul Matters

Beginning in October, BBUUC Worship, along with other Unitarian Universalist Congregations across our Association, will adapt a program of monthly themes from “Soul Matters.” Our Lifespan Religious Education program has been participating in this program, and now, Worship has joined in to make it a journey that our whole church takes together. Soul Matters is … Continue reading Soul Matters