Category: ICARE

Interfaith Coalition for Action, Reconciliation and Empowerment

ICARE September 2021

Interfaith Coalition for Action Reconciliation and Empowerment House Meetings September and October 2021 Who cares? We do!    House meetings for BBUUC’s ICARE social justice ministry return Sept. 1—Oct. 11. This year BBUUC will hold six house meetings, either in person with appropriate safety measures, or by Zoom. Join us, as we gather in hope, compassion … Continue reading ICARE September 2021

ICARE Rally 2021

ICARE Rally March 22 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM How to Participate in the 2021 Rally   Go HERE to join us on Zoom (Use a computer, smart phone or tablet to join.) Please enter a few minutes early to register. After registering, you will be prompted to enter the meeting. You will also receive an email … Continue reading ICARE Rally 2021

ICARE March 2021

ICARE Report, March, 2021 ICARE Research Committees, all three of which include BBUUC representatives, are actively researching the following issues:  Implementation of Adult Civil Citations for a list of common offenses as permitted in a Florida law ICARE helped pass two years ago. For instance, Duval County had over 7,000 arrests for driving with a … Continue reading ICARE March 2021

ICARE Report for February 2021

Twenty-two BBUUC members and friends attended the ICARE Justice Ministry Network Meeting on Monday, January 25. We heard updates on the issues ICARE is currently researching. We planned for the Nehemiah Action Assembly on April 19. And, because we are not gathering live on Sunday mornings, we conducted the first half of our traditional Commissioning … Continue reading ICARE Report for February 2021

ICARE Report for January 2021

As 2020 ends, I want to reflect on ICARE initiatives that positively affected the lives of Jacksonville residents this past year.    Hundreds of Duval County youths, and thousands statewide, have received Civil Citations instead of being arrested for common youthful offenses. Civil Citations require the youths to participate in restorative justice programs that include … Continue reading ICARE Report for January 2021

ICARE December 2020

22 BBUUC members and friends attended the Community Problems Assembly and the BBUUC Justice Ministry Caucus on November 9 (on Zoom). The 300+ assembled ICARE Network Members heard updates on the three issues that gained the most traction in House Meetings in all of the ICARE Congregations this past fall. Those issues were: Housing & … Continue reading ICARE December 2020

ICARE November 2020

ICARE Report for November, 2020 Six ICARE Team Leaders – Molly Brady, Karen Christiansen, Ken Christiansen, Carole Hawkins, Cindi Jorgensen and Claudia Marshall – led seven ICARE House meetings with 56 BBUUC member and friends in attendance. 35 individuals joined BBUUC’s Justice Ministry Network. Our next Citywide meeting is the Community Problems Assembly on November … Continue reading ICARE November 2020

ICARE Report October 2020

ICARE House Meetings are underway with 61 BBUUC members and friends signed up or already having attended a total of seven House Meetings as I write these paragraphs. We have opened a new House Meeting on Oct. 11 to accommodate additional signups and will open additional meeting(s) if necessary. Sign up at House Meetings … Continue reading ICARE Report October 2020