Author: BBUUC PR

Socktober 2019

Let’s make a difference and spread kindness!  What is Socktober?  Socktober is an annual new sock drive. We are collecting new adult and children’s socks. During the month of October, our kids have set a goal to collect 500 pairs of socks. At the end of the month we will donate your gifts to the … Continue reading Socktober 2019

What’s New in Religious Education Programming?

This year Lifespan Religious Education will be doing something new.  Each month children, youth, adults, and small groups will share a common monthly theme. Theme-based programming helps create multigenerational connections as people of all ages explore common themes in age-appropriate ways, extending faith development beyond Sunday morning. Families can continue the conversation in the car … Continue reading What’s New in Religious Education Programming?

Journey Newsletters: 2018-2019

June 2019 Journey May 2019 Journey April 2019 Journey March 2019 Journey February 2019 Journey    Printable Copy January 2019 Journey December 2018 Journey   Printable Copy November 2018 Journey  Printable Copy October 2018 Journey   Printable Copy September 2018 Journey   Printable Copy August 2018 Journey   Printable Copy July 2018 Journey    Printable Copy