Author: bbuucadmin

Feb 17: Four Things That Turn the Mind to Enlightenment

February 17: Rev. Billy Thomas will present “Four Things that Turn the Mind to Enlightenment” The Reverend will present this concept to our congregation, and then invite us to consider the things in our own lives that have helped move us to better understanding and clarity. Led by: Deborah Jones    Accompanied by Sydney Crisp

Feb 10: Grace

February 10: Reverend Jack Ford will present: “Grace” Someone wrote to me recently: “I keep hearing the word ‘grace’, whether it’s in the song Amazing Grace or Wendell Berry’s poem … ‘I rest in the grace of the world and am free’. In googling it, I find mostly religious references: … being the recipient of … Continue reading Feb 10: Grace

Feb 3: My Conservative Values

February 3:  Mark Yount  will present “My Conservative Values”   As UUs we celebrate our theological diversity, but we sometimes squirm at our political differences.  If the progressives among us look to the values behind conservative politics, though, we might find much in common with our “liberal” values.  Drawing on his own experience, our speaker will affirm some conservative” values in … Continue reading Feb 3: My Conservative Values

This Week at BBUUC….February 3, 2013

This week at BBUUC….   February 3:  Mark Yount  will present “My Conservative Values“   As UUs we celebrate our theological diversity, but we sometimes squirm at our political differences.  If the progressives among us look to the values behind conservative politics, though, we might find much in common with our “liberal” values.  Drawing on his own experience, our … Continue reading This Week at BBUUC….February 3, 2013