January 27: Dr. Parvez Ahmed will present “Towards Sustainable Change”.
Globally we are on the razor’s edge. From climate change to income inequality, the world is facing serious challenges at an unprecedented scale. What ought to be the role of faith communities in addressing these challenges?
Led by: Ken Christiansen Accompanied by Gary Smart
About our speaker: Dr. Parvez Ahmed is Associate Professor of Finance
at the Coggin College of Business, University of North Florida. In
addition, Dr. Ahmed writes editorials about Islam and the American
Muslim experience. He also teaches a special 10-week course titled,
“Islam-the faith, the people and their politics,” at the Osher Lifelong
Learning Institute in UNF.
Dr. Ahmed served as an at-large board member for the American Civil
Liberties Union in Florida. He was also Chairman of the Council on
American Islamic Relations. Currently he serves as a board member for
OneJax, formerly the National Conference on Community and Justice.