Wednesday, Jan. 23 – 7-8 p.m.
Dear BBUUC Members and Friends,
It has been a number of years since the BBUUC Mission and Vision statements were developed. Since that time, we have built our church home, added many new members and are bursting with “UUnique” children! As time marches on, so do our needs. It is time to update our mission and vision to pave the way for our future!
What can you do to help?
You can join us for one of the upcoming “Building Our Mission and Vision” meetings. We will spend 30 minutes formulating our goals; then 30 minutes writing a draft of our mission and vision statement.
What are the next steps?
At the February BBUUC Board Meeting, the Board will review the proposed mission and vision statements. Then, in March or April, the congregation will be invited to a Town Hall style meeting to review and provide feedback on the proposed statements.
When will the mission and vision statement be finalized?
The BBUUC members will cast their vote for the final statement at the 2013 Annual Meeting.
On behalf of the Board, we’d like to thank you all for your time and dedication to our church. We look forward to your contributions, defining the mission and vision of BBUUC!