Chalica is a weeklong holiday, during which we honor and celebrate our seven Unitarian Universalist Principles. It is a time dedicated to reflecting and putting into practice, through our words and deeds, one Principle per day for seven days.
For me, Chalica is an opportunity for introspection and a slowing down. It is a perfect time to really dive deep into our Seven Principles and to build a meaningful UU spiritual practice for ourselves.
The celebration kicks-off on Monday, December 6th and ends on Sunday, December 12th. Each day of Chalica via the BBUUC Community Facebook Group, we will light our chalice candles together and share a reflection for the Principle of the day.
Chalica Kits will be available Sunday, December 5th at our worship service. Look for the RE table in the back of the Sanctuary.
Please RSVP for a Chalica Kit here: or reach out directly to Chris Jarman by text, email, or phone.
You can find additional resources by going to the UUA’s website, or by visiting one of the sites listed below.
BBUUC YouTube Playlist for Chalica:
A Home Guide for Chalica: A Collection of readings, video links, and meditations for the week of Chalica:
Facebook Group for Ideas and How to Celebrate:
Huffington Post Article:
YouTube Playlist of Chalica Music:
UU World Article:
And, as one of the Chalica songs puts it…
“Have a Happy, Happy, Merry, Joyous Chalica!”
-Chris Jarman, DLRE