Speaker: Jennifer Odenwald Bacmeister

’Til You Can’t

Jennifer Bacmeister presents “’Til You Can’t” Kris Kines, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist With Special Music by Job Meiller Carpe Diem! YOLO! We hear reminders all the time that life is short, and uncertain, and we should take time to smell the roses while they bloom. If we actually did, if we were good … Continue reading ’Til You Can’t

Memories and Legacies

Jennifer Bacmeister presents “Memories and Legacies” Linda Mowers, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist We all have experiences that shape our lives. When we look back on those, can we see what our legacy might be? How do we act now so that the memories and legacy we leave behind reflect our true values? Don’t forget … Continue reading Memories and Legacies

Love All, Serve All

Jennifer Bacmeister presents “Love All, Serve All” Alyssa Halliday, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Dr. Sunshine Simmons, Clarinet Jennifer looks at how the seemingly innocuous marketing of a now-major entertainment franchise pointed her towards Unitarian Universalism and examines how we receive, or don’t receive, messages that can be meaningful to us. About Our Speaker: Jennifer … Continue reading Love All, Serve All

BBUUC’s Annual Festivus Celebration

BBUUC’s Annual Festivus Celebration Led by Jennifer Bacmeister Sydney Crisp, Accompanist Special Music by Lynn Wadley and Pete Jorgensen Don’t forget to bring your loose change (paper bills also accepted) for our first-Sunday Pennies from Heaven collection. About our service: Join BBUUC in our Annual Festivus Celebration! We will enjoy a participatory Recitation of Festivus … Continue reading BBUUC’s Annual Festivus Celebration

BBUUC’s Annual Festivus Celebration

BBUUC’s Annual Festivus Celebration With Jennifer Bacmeister as Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Tyler Kidd, Special Music, Piano   About our service: Join BBUUC in our Annual Festivus Celebration! We will enjoy a participatory Recitation of Festivus Miracles, air our grievances, and perform the traditional Feats of Strength! BBUUC is proud to have it’s very … Continue reading BBUUC’s Annual Festivus Celebration

Remnants of War

Jennifer Bacmeister presents “Remnants of War” With Elizabeth DeCoux as Worship Leader Jennifer examines our culture surrounding combat and the glorification of the warrior class, including subtle rituals and traditions most people are not even aware of. As UUs, how do we strive for peace in an environment that sanctifies certain kinds of violence, while remaining in … Continue reading Remnants of War

BBUUC’s Annual Festivus Celebration

“BBUUC’s Annual Festivus Celebration” With Jennifer Bacmeister as  Worship Leader/Presenter Join BBUUC in our Sixth Annual Festivus Celebration – with a virtual twist! Though we normally celebrate Festivus as a multi-generational participatory service full of fun and happiness, Jennifer will lead us in an alternative approach in these days of social distancing. We will still … Continue reading BBUUC’s Annual Festivus Celebration

Video Service: Creativity from Chaos

Kris Kines will lead our service with a message by Jennifer Bacmeister entitled “Creativity from Chaos.” Jennifer will look at how sometimes the worst circumstances can bring the greatest insights, and evidence of the interconnectedness of all, our 7th principle. About our Speaker: Jennifer Odenwald Bacmeister is a happy newlywed (the former Jennifer Stokes) and … Continue reading Video Service: Creativity from Chaos