Memories and Legacies

Jennifer Bacmeister presents
“Memories and Legacies”
Linda Mowers, Worship Leader
Eileen Morrison, Accompanist

We all have experiences that shape our lives. When we look back on those, can we see what our legacy might be? How do we act now so that the memories and legacy we leave behind reflect our true values?

pennies from heavenDon’t forget to bring your loose change (paper bills also accepted) for our first-Sunday Pennies from Heaven collection benefiting The Clothes Closet & Food Pantry serving the people of Clay County.

About Our Speaker:

Jennifer Bacmeister has been a member of BBUUC since 2001. She has served in many roles, including Worship Committee Chair, Building Task Force, Religious Education teacher, and Board Vice President. Jennifer is an accomplished Toastmaster, one of those rare birds that actually enjoy public speaking! After years of being a Worship Leader, she added writing sermons to her skill set. She has spoken at UU churches in Huntsville, Alabama, and right down the road in Palatka, as well as to our congregation. When not crafting services as a worship leader or writing sermons, Jennifer enjoys tending her backyard chickens, spoiling her grandchildren, and sewing (not always in that order!).