Speaker: David Dean

Be Who You Are

David Dean, presents “Be Who You Are”  A sermon written by Rev. Peter A. Friedrichs With Alyssa Halliday as Worship Leader David will deliver this sermon from Reverend Peter Friedrichs that presents the theological insights of Rev. Forrest Church, who was a Minister in New York City for 30 years. The sermon considers who each … Continue reading Be Who You Are

Patriotism as a spiritual practice?

David Dean will present a sermon written by Rev. Dr. Duncan Newcomer “Patriotism as a spiritual practice?” Worship Leader: Linda Mowers Accompanist: Marilyn Smart David Dean will share a sermon written by the Rev. Dr. Duncan Newcomer at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Castine (Maine) and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Belfast (Maine) in November of … Continue reading Patriotism as a spiritual practice?