Archives: Services

BBUUC’s Annual Christmas Eve Service

A time honored BBUUC tradition, the Christmas Eve service is a perfect place to get in to the spirit of the holiday season. Songs, dances, and stories shape this service. This is not an event that you will want to miss. Feel free to bring the whole family.
There will also be a 10:30 am service.
Worship Leader: Vanessa Birchell

Jax CUUPS Winter Solstice service

The Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist church congregation in cooperation with it’s Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) chapter will host a full Yule/Winter Solstice service. The service will be followed by cider and cookies and the burning of the Yule log


The LRE youth will present a holiday pageant that will show the true meaning of the UU holiday, Chalica. Accompanist: Sydney Crisp

Mary did you know?

A sermon for this season of births and rebirths, for #notallmen and #metoo.
Reverend Liz Teal specializes in eco-theology, the human-animal bond, and all their healing aspects. She is the Spiritual Director for The Ministry of Animals and the Educational Director for Giving Paws, specializing in animal assisted therapies and chaplaincies.
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Religion in Public Life

Dr. Parvez Ahmed is Associate Professor of Finance at the Coggin College of Business, University of North Florida (UNF). In addition, Dr. Ahmed writes editorials about Islam and the American Muslim experience. Dr. Ahmed also teaches a special 10-week course titled, “Islam-the faith, the people and their politics,” at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in UNF.
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Water Communion

As is traditional in many UU churches across the country, BBUUC will hold our annual Water Sharing ritual. All are invited to bring a small container of water from (or representing) your travels, special places, moments or events from the summer or the year, and place the waters into the communal bowl.
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Celebration of the Ancestors: Samhain Sunday Service

Join BBUUC in honoring the Ancestors in this special Sunday service presented by Jacksonville CUUPS and members of the NE FL Pagan Leadership Coalition. Please bring a photo representing your departed loved ones to place in honor upon the memorial altar.
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