Minutes of the Annual Meeting for Fiscal Year 2018-2019
BBUUC Annual Meeting held on May 19, 2019
- The meeting was called to order at 12:15pm by the President, Grace Repass.
- Kris Kines was appointed parliamentarian by the Board.
- The total number of members in attendance was 79. This was above the 40% quorum requirement of 63 since total membership is 157.
- Minutes from last year’s annual meeting were presented, there were no corrections. Kris made a motion to approve that was seconded by Madeline Sims. There was 1 no and zero abstentions, so the motion passed.
- Minutes from the congregational meeting held on April 28th were presented, there were no corrections. Viqui Hilliard made the motion and Manny Andrade seconded. It passed with 1 abstention.
- The President’s report was presented.
- The chair introduced David Christenson to present bylaw changes.
- Articles that don’t need discussion will be approved in single vote.
- Straw poll was taken to find out which articles could be approved without discussion. The only articles that members wanted to discuss were: Articles V Membership, VIII Leadership Development Committee, Article IX Nominations and Elections, Article X Meeting of the Membership, and Article XV Minister.
- David made motion to approve the table of contents and articles I,II,III,IV,VI,VII,XI,XII,XIII,XIV,XVI,XVII (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17) (new numbering) as written in the Annual Report. Seconded by John Giordano. Motion passed.
- Quorum
- David made motion to add to Article X, Section 4. Quorum the sentence “At the annual meeting the Bylaws do not need the increased quorum but still need a 4/5 majority to approve.” Seconded by Linda.
- The motion passed.
- Proxies
- David made a motion to change Section 5. Voting in Article X Meetings of the Membership to the following:
- Proxy votes shall be available only to Members who cannot attend a given meeting for reasons of incapacitation, travel or work. All proxies must be submitted using the Board approved procedure included with the meeting notice. A simple majority of Members present, and proxy votes may decide any question except as noted in Section 4 above.
- The first attempt was inconclusive because the count was close. Pam Edwards-Roine called for a separation of the house.
- After separating the house, the vote was 65 ayes and 13 nays. Since attendance was 79, 64 ayes were needed to pass, so the motion passed.
- David made a motion to change Section 5. Voting in Article X Meetings of the Membership to the following:
- Membership section:
- Change minimum age to 16
- David made a motion to change the minimum age for membership from 18 to 16. Seconded by Kirsten Williams. The ayes were not counted, there were 5 nays and 6 abstentions, so the motion passed.
- Board approval of reinstating or transferring members.
- There was discussion about returning members needing Board approval. Molly Brady made a motion to delete the sentence “If the individual is reinstating membership, approval by the Board is required in advance.” from the membership article of the Bylaws. Seconded by Alice Fletcher.
- Molly then rescinded it and made another motion to approve proposed Article V Membership, Section 2 Member Requirements and delete the sentence “If the individual is reinstating membership, approval by the Board is required in advance.”
- Linda Crawford asked if this would take away the discretion of the Board. Pam said it would.
- Molly then withdrew her motion.
- Revoking Membership
- David made a motion to add to the Bylaws in the membership article, “Section 6. Revoking Membership. The Board of Directors, after following approved policy, may revoke membership for violations of the BBUUC Covenant of Right Relationship. At least 5 Board members must vote in favor of revoking membership.” Seconded by Manny Andrade.
- Linda Mowers said that one of the things we need to do next year is to develop a healthy congregation team.
- Carole said right relations process should be put in place before adding this to the bylaws.
- The motion was defeated since only 56 members voted aye, which is 70% instead of the needed 80%.
- David made a motion to approve the proposed article V Membership as written, but with the minimum age changed to 16 and without section 6. Seconded by Dale Crawford.
- The vote did not take place; the President tabled the Bylaws for this meeting.
- Change minimum age to 16
- The elections.
- The election process was explained by Jasmine Turner, a member of Leadership Development committee
- Kris Kines was elected President unopposed
- John Wrightington was elected vice-president unopposed
- Secretary
- Eileen Morrison was nominated by the Leadership Development committee
- Molly Brady nominated Carole Hawkins
- Carole Hawkins spoke
- Mark Yount spoke on process
- Kris clarified process
- Eileen spoke
- Jasmine explained voting by paper ballots
- While members voted, the elections continued
- Pam Richards was elected Treasurer unopposed.
- Annabelle Gallois-Bernos and Job Meiller were nominated by the Leadership Development committee for Trustee.
- Secretary results: Eileen Morrison got 53, Carole Hawkins got 17, there was one abstention.
- Linda Crawford, John Giordano and Mark Yount were nominated for Leadership Development committee. They were elected.
- Treasurer’s Report by Pam Richards
- Kris Kines announced that Job will be the 2-year trustee. A vote was taken, and Annabelle was elected to the 1-year trustee position.
- Finance Chair, Peg Christenson, presented the Budget. The budget was approved without discussion.
- Words from the floor
- President elect, Kris Kines, spoke.
- Pam Richards spoke
- Joann Carollo spoke
- Meeting was adjourned at 3:04