Mar 10: This Week At BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….


March 10: Reverend Jack Ford will present: “Faith Can Move Mountains.  Really?”


Faith can move mountains.’ Really? It seems far-fetched. Improbable. What is faith, anyway? Is it belief? In what? The word is freely sprinkled throughout our religious heritage and writings. We often talk about our ‘faith communities’. I myself am fond of speaking of my Unitarian Universalist faith. What does it mean?


Led by Sarah Clarke-Stuart

•Accompanied by Gary Smart

What’s Happening at Church this week?


Sunday, March 10

  • 12pm BBUUYA Sunday Lunch
  • 12pm Facilities Committee Meeting
  • 12pm Caring Committee Meeting
  • 12pm LRE FacilitatorsTeen Trip Meeting


Tuesday, March 12

  • 7pm Council Meeting


Wednesday, March 13

  • 11:30am Lunch Bunch
  • 7pm BEACON
  • 7pm CUUPS
  • 7pm Understanding the Bible: A Basic Introduction for Religious Liberals


Thursday, March 14

  • 7pm “Healthy Habits” Meeting


Friday, March 15

  • 7pm Evensong for Families (Registration for this class is closed)


Sunday, March 17

  • 9am LRE Committee Meeting
  • 9am BBUUBF


We are looking forward to seeing you this week!