The Worship Committee plans each of the services throughout the year, organizing speakers and accompanists, training worship leaders and ensuring quality programming.
This committee works year-round to find qualified speakers who can speak with authority on their chosen subject matter and to ensure that the subject matter is appropriate for our pulpit.
They train worship leaders from among the BBUUC membership, teaching them how to craft a service, from beginning to end. There is an art to weaving the songs and words of a service, to digging deeper into a subject matter. It is the Worship Committee’s job to help the worship leaders hone their craft through training and feedback.
In addition to finding speakers, accompanists and training worship leaders, the calendar of services must be planned for the year. “Where do we put the Water Sharing service?” “How about the Earth Day service?” “Are we doing a service on _________?”
The Worship Committee works very hard to maintain a high quality of worship services with a variety of timely topics that reflects the diversity of the congregation.