The Finance Committee oversees anything and everything which has to do with money in at BBUUC.  From fundraisers to paying the bills, from the mortgage to the employees:  the Finance Committee has a large and very important job.

It takes dedication and knowledge to serve on the Finance Committee.  Whereas some committees can put off their work for a few days, this committee has definite deadlines!  Counting the offering on Sunday, meeting IRS tax dates, meeting congregational budget deadlines – there are just a lot of dates and deadlines to remember in the Finance Committee!  And then there are the pledge drives, which no one seems to want to talk about.

But, oh the rewards of a financially healthy congregation!  When the budget has been  worked right, and the bills have been paid, and the taxes taken care of, and the mortgage is all paid up….then the painstaking work of this committee becomes apparent.

That’s when BBUUC realizes what great value there is in having a dedicated, knowledgeable Finance Committee.