Category: Upcoming Events

Feb 13: Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch Wednesday, February 13th at 11:30am The BBUUC Lunch Bunch meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:30, at Pengree’s Restaurant in Orange Park (556 Kingsley Avenue) for food and fellowship. All are welcomed to join us! Please contact Beth Christiansen, the office administrator, at if you plan to join us, … Continue reading Feb 13: Lunch Bunch

Feb 16: Valentine’s Day Gala

The First Annual Valentine’s Day Gala, Celebrating 30 Days of Love! February 16th at 7:30pm The Welcome Congregation Ministry, in collaboration with the Young Adults group, welcome the entire BBUUC family to a fun night of dancing, drinks, food, and merriment. Bring friends and family, and join us on the dance floor as we celebrate … Continue reading Feb 16: Valentine’s Day Gala

Feb 6: Coffee House

Coffee House is Back! Wednesday, February 6th at 7pm Our Coffee House is back after several months’ break for the holidays! Come out and enjoy all the fun as our performers  share their talents. Live music, performers of all varieties, lively conversation, games, fun, fellowship…all in one night! It’s  hard to beat! There will be … Continue reading Feb 6: Coffee House