Category: This week in RE

Faith Development and Children

Children’s Chapel Curious about Children’s Faith Development here is your link: 5 Demands of a Progressive Faith by Jude Geiger I used this updated version of some older writing of mine today for our worship service. James Luther Adams, 5 stones, and adapted by me for the 5 demands of progressive faith. If this … Continue reading Faith Development and Children

Intergenerational Connection

Will be our End of the Summer Extravaganza. Board Games and a potluck. Link to The Benefits of Intergenerational Connections. Religious Education is avidly looking for volunteers to serve as mentors. The more diversity the better! We don’t want you to miss service every week. We are looking to start a rotation of volunteers … Continue reading Intergenerational Connection

Letter from DLRE Jenn Jones

Hi everyone, My name is Jenn Jones (she/they), and I am excited about becoming your new Director of Lifespan Religious Education and getting to know everyone. As the DRLE I am committed to helping those seeking spiritual growth, a transforming faith, and vital communities of justice and love at any age in Unitarian Universalism. I … Continue reading Letter from DLRE Jenn Jones

This Week 4-26-2020

THIS WEEK 4.26 I feel like we just did this! ???? NO– What we choose this week. Our next class is May 3rd. New Creating the Sabbath link: Welcome to Week Three of our “Creating Sabbath Space” adventure. Each week you receive a packet that includes: Guidance for adding 1-2 new pieces to your … Continue reading This Week 4-26-2020

This Week in RE 12.1.19

This Week in Faith Development Children This Sunday, Children’s RE is hosting a special guest speaker, John Wrightington, during our time together. The first Sunday of every month our congregation collects “Pennies from Heaven” for the Meals on Wheels program. John will be speaking to us about what exactly Meals on Wheels does.  The kids … Continue reading This Week in RE 12.1.19

This Week in RE 6.9.19

June 9th Religious Education Welcomes Summer with Fun Water Sunday! (During Children’s RE) Wear your bathing suit under your clothes and bring a towel ’cause we are going to get wet! Water relays, bucket brigades, slip & slide & Popsicles! The Fun will run from 10:45 till 12:00.

This Week in RE 5.5.19

Hello Families, It’s time for the weekly blast out from RE.  This is a fun way for you to engage your kids in faith development for the benefit of both them and you!  I encourage you to ask your kids open ended questions about what they are doing in RE and to wonder with them about the … Continue reading This Week in RE 5.5.19

This Week in RE 4.28.19

“”Children learn more from what you are, than what you teach”. -W. E. B. Du Bois Upcoming Events: K-2 OWL continues during RE time, please remember OWL will end at 11:45. May 19th– Connections! A LRE Sunday Service. The children will all be involved in this service.  We will be preparing for this service for the 2 … Continue reading This Week in RE 4.28.19

This Week in RE 4.21.19

Springtime is never about sitting at home. It’s all about taking in the smells of the earth and frolicking on the lap of nature. In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. ~ Margaret Atwood Hello Families, It’s time for the weekly blast out from RE.  This is a fun way for … Continue reading This Week in RE 4.21.19