Category: President

the six sources

Greetings! Most Unitarian Universalists are more than familiar with the seven principles that serve as our covenant. The seven principles are a guide for all Unitarian Universalists to live their lives in a manner that fully embraces “the free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” What many Unitarian Universalists do not have strong familiarity … Continue reading the six sources

A New Year

Greetings to All, It is with great pleasure and excitement that I look forward to the next year that I will serve as president of Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church. Roughly five years ago, I became a member of this congregation. In this time, I have experienced and grown so much within my beloved faith … Continue reading A New Year

Declaration of Conscience

In January, the Unitarian Universalist Association developed a Declaration of Conscience. The following provides background information from former President of the UUA, Rev. Peter Morales and president and CEO of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Hon. Thomas Andrews: “Based on the many conversations we’ve had with each other, people of our communities, our partners, and those … Continue reading Declaration of Conscience

Our Lasting Legacy

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about what we leave when we’re gone.  I mean, truly gone.  Does a legacy matter, if I’m no longer here to worry about it? At Christmas I came close to losing my oldest brother.  He had an arrest after surgery, and spent five days on a respiratory ventilator.  He … Continue reading Our Lasting Legacy

Counting My Blessings

Counting My Blessings Since moving to the Avondale/ Riverside area, I have established a ritual of attending the movie “White Christmas” at the SunRay theater. On the large screen the movie seems more like a play. We sing along to the songs, and I leave feeling the holiday, and humming the songs for days. One … Continue reading Counting My Blessings

September 2016

International Council of Unitarians and Universalists Global Chalice Lighting Words for August 2016    “May our Chalice communities embody the right relationships our world so desperately needs.” Strong words, and sometimes difficult to manifest.  Yet, if not us, then who? We have many exciting opportunities to be involved, witness our values in the community, and demonstrate … Continue reading September 2016