Our Lasting Legacy

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about what we leave when we’re gone.  I mean, truly gone.  Does a legacy matter, if I’m no longer here to worry about it?

At Christmas I came close to losing my oldest brother.  He had an arrest after surgery, and spent five days on a respiratory ventilator.  He has quite a legacy to leave behind – four sons, countless friends, and as many film credits and videos.

This week one of my students died.  It was unexpected.  She was found when they realized she hadn’t left for school.  I had high hopes for her.  She was a middle aged woman trying to turn her life around.  Few friends and no children.  Perhaps I am her legacy.

Each year during the annual pledge season it often feels like we are just focused on money, but it is more than that.  We are moving forward to see what our vision, and our legacy will be.

I am hopeful that long after I am gone, that BBUUC will continue to be a haven for those who need a religiously liberal home.  I am hopeful that I will live on in our children’s hearts, in our stories, in our picture histories, in our Spirit of Life Memorial Garden.  I am hopeful that this is my legacy, and I am hopeful that in this time of Spring and renewal, that each of us gave what we could toward that legacy.

So I share an offering from another church in the area – a Methodist one.  I am always reminded that we have more in common than we have different.

So, come,
you who have much faith
and you who have little,
you who have been here often
and you who have not been for a very long time,
you who have tried to follow
and you who have failed.
So, come.

May Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church continue to be the place where you come.  May it be your legacy.

In faith and gratitude,
Rev. Pat