Category: Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message August 2022

My son began attending preschool when he was eighteen months old. He is now 8 years old, and I have said “Hello” and “Goodbye” to many preschool and elementary school teachers and therapists. He receives occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy. At the beginning of every school year, the new teachers and therapists become … Continue reading Minister’s Message August 2022

Ministers Report July 2022

In June I had the enormous privilege of attending the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association, in person in Portland, Oregon. It was inspiring and uplifting to be with 2,000 Unitarian Universalists in person and hundreds more participating online. I reunited with longtime friends and made new connections. The highlight of my General Assembly … Continue reading Ministers Report July 2022

Ministers Report May 2022

My heart is full with gratitude for my wonderful trip to Jacksonville last week. It was such a joy to meet so many of you in person! It was good to hug, to talk and laugh together. I feel that the in-person time we shared strengthened our relationship. I feel more connected to you, because I … Continue reading Ministers Report May 2022

Minister’s Message February 2022

This month our worship theme is “Widening the Circle.” Widening the circle of care, concern, and inclusion in our congregations requires us to consider who has historically been marginalized, or simply not present at all, in Unitarian Universalist congregations, and to proactively work to be more welcoming to these groups. We are called to become … Continue reading Minister’s Message February 2022