Category: DRE Dwellings

Faith Development For All: Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Be A People of Becoming?

Find Your Packet Here: It’s become popular in our society to talk about spiritual journeys as a process of living into your full or true self, of letting the authentic seed inside you unfold. We UU’s agree. We even enshrined it in our principles that celebrate each of our unique seeds (inherent worth) and … Continue reading Faith Development For All: Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Be A People of Becoming?

Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Commitment?

Find Your Packet Here: Do you know the poet, Jacqueline Woodson? Have you ever heard or read her poem, “Church”? Would you be willing to pause here a moment and read it? It’s short. I hope you did, because otherwise this will be a spoiler: in that beautiful image at the end, Woodson reminds … Continue reading Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Commitment?

Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Be A People of Commitment?

Faith Development For All  Find Your Packet Here: There’s a natural, and important, go-getter quality to this month. After all, huge payoffs come when we keep our commitments. Maintaining loyalty to healthy habits not only lengthens our lives but enriches them. Faithfully following through on our relationship commitments allows us to fully realize ourselves … Continue reading Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Be A People of Commitment?

Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Beloved Community?

Find Your Packet Here: What do you know about the Beloved Community? What does your child know? I’ll admit that what I thought I knew about the Beloved Community, and what I’d shared with my children, turned out to be woefully under-nuanced for the tasks of our times, and I’ve gratefully anticipated this theme’s … Continue reading Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Beloved Community?

Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Be A People of Beloved Community?

Find Your Packet Here: Henri Nouwen, the treasured catholic teacher, activist and pastor, once described beloved community as “the place where the person you least want to live with always lives.” On its surface it seems to be a straightforward reminder not to expect perfection from the communities we join. And not to expect … Continue reading Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Be A People of Beloved Community?

Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Imagination?

Soulful Home for Parents & Families What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Imagination?  Find Your Packet Here: Being guided by “what if…” is something humans do really well. We can imagine possibilities, informed by past observations and experiences, to create new realities that did not exist before. I consider this one … Continue reading Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Imagination?

Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Be A People of Imagination?

Faith Development For All: Soul Matters What Does It Mean to Be A People of Imagination? Find Your Packet Here: Maybe our most important work is to re-imagine imagination. Imagination’s great gift is improvement. At least that is what we’re usually taught. The deep magic lies in the way it can reshape our reality. … Continue reading Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Be A People of Imagination?

Soulful Home for Parents & Families What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Stillness?

 Find Your Packet Here: In 2006, the Unitarian Universalist Beacon Press published Thirst, a volume of Mary Oliver’s poetry in which the poem, “The Place I Want to Get Back To,” appeared. The poem tells the story of the day that Oliver sat in perfect stillness in the pine woods, and two deer approached … Continue reading Soulful Home for Parents & Families What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Stillness?

Soul Matters What Does It Mean to Be A People of Stillness?

Faith Development For All Soul Matters What Does It Mean to Be A People of Stillness?  Find Your Packet Here:   Don’t tell me to be calm  when there are so many reasons  to be angry… I didn’t say to be calm, said the wind,  I said to breathe.   We’re going to need a … Continue reading Soul Matters What Does It Mean to Be A People of Stillness?

Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Healing?

Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Healing? Find Your Packet Here: The best description of healing I ever heard had to do with healing being not a matter of reaching a fixed state called “cured” or “healthy,” but rather engaging in a dynamic and multi-faceted … Continue reading Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Healing?