Author: BBUUC PR

Ministers Report May 2022

My heart is full with gratitude for my wonderful trip to Jacksonville last week. It was such a joy to meet so many of you in person! It was good to hug, to talk and laugh together. I feel that the in-person time we shared strengthened our relationship. I feel more connected to you, because I … Continue reading Ministers Report May 2022

UUA 2022 Common Read

The UUA 2022 Common Read: Defund Fear: Safety Without Policing, Prisons, and Punishment by Zach Norris Book Discussion.  May 31st 7:00-8:30 pm  Join Zoom Meeting Buy Defund Fear Now  Zach Norris shifts the conversation about public safety away from fear and punishment and toward growth and support systems for our families and communities. In Defund Fear, … Continue reading UUA 2022 Common Read

Soulful Home: What Does it Mean to be a Nurturing Beauty? Sociologist Tressie McMillan Cottom has written extensively about the construction of beauty. She argues that the way beauty is most often conceptualized in the dominant culture is as that which has aesthetic value that can be capitalized upon. And the way this plays out is that a few people profit off of a beauty … Continue reading Soulful Home: What Does it Mean to be a Nurturing Beauty?

Animal Ministry May 2022

88% of pet owners consider their pet a part of the family.  When such a companion animal dies, however, the comforting rituals which typically accompany the death of a human family member are rarely available to the bereaved.  Things are changing for the better.  BBUUC offers a Companion Animal Grief Support group on the first … Continue reading Animal Ministry May 2022

Soulful Home April 2022 Well, there you are! You made it! We’re here, together, at the interactive performance of humanity. What’s that? Is this a dream? Why yes, yes, it is. We see that you’re the spiritual guide of a young person. Wonderful! That’s an automatic all-inclusive pass to the ups, downs, and in-betweens of being human. (It’s … Continue reading Soulful Home April 2022

Linda Crawford Book

What’s so special about Unitarian Universalism? This faith has transformed the author’s understanding of herself and the world. In 20 stand-alone chapters, Linda answers questions like: What does spiritual growth really mean?  How do we make our lives meaningful? What can I do with my liberal rage?  How does our childhood effect our life choices?  … Continue reading Linda Crawford Book

Animal Grief Support Group

Sometimes a companion animal needs to be euthanized.  A review of the dictionary definition reveals that the word “euthanasia” comes from the Greek words “eu” meaning good (think of euphoria and eulogy), and “thanas,” meaning death.  When there is no cure for an animal’s illness or injury, and the animal’s suffering cannot be relieved, we … Continue reading Animal Grief Support Group

Making Great Things Happen! At ICARE’s 2022 Nehemiah Assembly

  BBUUC stood shoulder to shoulder with 37 other Jacksonville congregations at ICARE’s Nehemiah Assembly Monday, March 28. Church members joined this year’s virtual event on Zoom and at a church zoom viewings.  For the first time in recent history, no public officials were present. The sheriff, who broke commitments he made to ICARE last … Continue reading Making Great Things Happen! At ICARE’s 2022 Nehemiah Assembly