Author: BBUUC PR

Integrating Your Religious Past

Enrollment for this class is closed. If you came to Unitarian Universalism from a different faith, you may be interested in our upcoming class, Integrating Your Religious Past. This five-session, 90-minute class will take place February 7, 21, 28 & March 7, 14. In zoom.  Many of us come to Unitarian Universalism from other religions … Continue reading Integrating Your Religious Past

ICARE February 2022

ICARE’s Justice Moment: People shouldn’t have to go to jail for being ill A woman told us the story of how her ex-husband died in police custody while having a mental health crisis. His mother had called 911, and the responding officer put him in a chokehold to gain control. The man died before his … Continue reading ICARE February 2022

Minister’s Message February 2022

This month our worship theme is “Widening the Circle.” Widening the circle of care, concern, and inclusion in our congregations requires us to consider who has historically been marginalized, or simply not present at all, in Unitarian Universalist congregations, and to proactively work to be more welcoming to these groups. We are called to become … Continue reading Minister’s Message February 2022

Animal Grief Support Group

Our society does not value the lives of our companion animals the same way it values the lives of our human relatives. When a human family member dies, there is often a memorial service or celebration of life attended by relatives, friends, and neighbors. A minister, rabbi, or priest officiates. There is typically an article … Continue reading Animal Grief Support Group

Widening the Welcome

Looking for a way to be more welcoming to everyone? Join us Online for Widening the Welcome on February 12, 10am-12am & 2pm- 4pm. Offered by Central East Region of UUA…/calendar/widening-welcome-2-22 We would like to extend a personal invitation to everyone in the congregation to consider attending Widening the Welcome, a Greeters Virtual Workshop. … Continue reading Widening the Welcome

An Adult Religious Exploration Class in Spiritual Growth and Development

CLASSES WILL BE HELD IN THE SANCTUARY Beginning in March, I will be offering Spirit in Practice, an adult religious exploration class created to help Unitarian Universalists explore and develop regular disciplines, or practices, of the spirit.  Spirit in Practice affirms diversity in our spiritual paths while seeking unity in our quest to live lives of meaning … Continue reading An Adult Religious Exploration Class in Spiritual Growth and Development

Integrating Your Religious Past

Register Here: Questions? Contact DLRE Chris Jarman There is a minimum of 4 registrations for this class to be offered. If you came to Unitarian Universalism from a different faith, you may be interested in our upcoming class, Integrating Your Religious Past. This four-session, 90-minute class will take place on Sundays, 12:00-1:30 pm, February … Continue reading Integrating Your Religious Past

Animal Grief Support Group

Are you grieving the death of a companion animal?  Or do you experience anticipatory grief for an animal who is dying?  Even though society sometimes devalues this type of grief, it is real and can be every bit as intense as what we experience with the loss of a human friend or family member.  Whether … Continue reading Animal Grief Support Group